Towne Administration
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Towne Commands
Commands for all members of a towne:
TOWNEWHO|TWHO|TW - See a list of Towne citizens that are currently online.
TOWNETELL|TTELL|TT - Speak on your Towne's tell channel.
TOWNETELLON|TTON - Turn your Towne's tell channel on.
TOWNETELLOFF|TTOFF - Turn your Towne's tell channel off.
TOWNE MEMBERS - See a list of all of the citizens of your Towne.
TOWNE AIDES - See a list of all of the aides to your Towne's governor.
Towne Aides
Commands for Towne Aides:
TOWNE CITIZEN <player> - Invite a new player to join your towne. TOWNE UNCITIZEN <player> - Remove a citizen from your towne.
- Note: This will not remove the player from the city/council. Only the
- See a summary list of the materials that your towne creates, and how
much they are sold for. REVLOG <towne name> - See a lot of your townes outgoing/incoming revenue. TOWNE HALL - Displays the location of the towne hall. If you are standing in the towne, it will also include directions.
Towne Governors
TOWNE AIDE <person> - Appoint a member of your towne as an aide to the governor. TOWNE UNAIDE <person> - Remove an aide. TOWNE AIDENAME <title> - Choose the title of your aides. TOWNE ACCOUNTS - See how much gold is in each of your towne's bankaccounts. TOWNE MAT SELL <material> FOR <amount> - Set for how much your towne sells a raw material. TOWNE TAXRATE MATERIALS <tax rate> - Set how much of a cut the towne government will get from material purchases. TOWNE ASSIGN WORKERS <amount> TO <material> - Assign workers to produce raw materials (see HELP TOWNE PRODUCTION).
Towne Houses
Houseowner Commands
TOWNE HOUSE INFO <house name> - See specific info about a house TOWNE PAY HOUSE TAXES - Pay your house taxes - The money will be deposited into an account in the towne's name in a city or council. See also: HELP HOUSES
Aide commands
TOWNE HOUSES - List the houses in your towne. TOWNE FORGIVE HOUSE TAXES <house name> [amount] - Reduce the taxes owed on a house. Governor only commands
TOWNE PLACE PLOT <direction> - Build a house. - Building a house costs 100,000 gold. The gold will come from any bank accounts your towne has.
- A towne may have three houses. TOWNE DEMOLISH PLOT <dir> - Demolish a housing plot in a towne. TOWNE ASSESS <house name> <value> - Set the taxed value of a house. TOWNE TAXRATE HOUSES <rate> - Set the rate at which houses will be taxed. TOWNE OWNER HOUSE <house name> <person> - Changes the owner of a house.