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Smithing - Smith


Syntax: SMITH FOR <item type> [<#> <ingot type> <#> <ingot type> ...]

       ADD <#> <ingot type> TO FORGE
       QUENCH <item>
       SMITHINGORES <item type>


          - Would use the first materials found on a forge
          - Would make a sabre with 3 ingots of stehl and 2 of veritum
          - These materials will have to be in the forge

Smithing is the skill of creating a wide assortment of weapons and armour, ranging from the chipped-obsidian throwing dagger to the venerable longsword, to the impressive full plate armour wearable only by the forger himself.

Type MORE to continue reading. (23% shown) 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarmore In order to forge something you know how to make (AB SMITHING will show you what you can make, if you have forging), you must first find a forge. Chances are it will not be burning, in which case you must buy some coal (probably at one of the markets), and put it in the forge. Then, you must FIRE FORGE to get it going. If a forge goes too long without anyone forging in it, then it will go out.

Once you have got the forge going, you can try to forge something. Each item requires a certain number of ingots. SMITHINGORES <item> will tell you how many ingots you need to have in the forge in order to make that item. Some items will also require additional commodities. For all forging commands, you should use the exact name of the item that you see when you type AB SMITHING.

Each type of ingot has specific properties. Some are stronger, but heavier, than others. There are rumours of special ingots that have unique properties, lending themselves to weapons and armour that have abnormal powers.

Once you've established that you have the proper ingredients, you may Type MORE to continue reading. (61% shown) 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarmore SMITH FOR <itemtype>. The commodities will be removed from your inventory and put in the forge, at which point you cannot recover them. Afterwards, the SMITH command produces the desired item from these.

You will have turned your useless mass of commodities into your desired item. However, the weapon or piece of armour will be an inferior product at this point.

Once you are finished working on an object, you will have to remove it from the forge, and then QUENCH <item> in the bucket of water that stands near each forge.

You can CLEAR OFF FORGE to collect unused ingots from the forge.

In order to see the statistics on a particular piece of weaponry or armour, you need the WEAPONPROBE ability in the Weaponry skill (it is quite low in it). Summary of Smithing:

  1) Buy needed commodities for that item and make sure you have coal.
  2) Find a forge, and fire the forge, after putting the coal inside.

Type MORE to continue reading. (94% shown) 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarmore

  3) SMITH FOR <itemtype>
  4) SMITH to finish the item.
  5) Remove the item from the forge, QUENCH <item> and brag to your
     friends about what a great craftsman you are.

Smithing - Smelt



While at a forge, you may combine some ingots in such a way as to create new ingots with different properties. To create rahnse, you will require one ingot each of sinn and cuhpfehr. To create stehl, you will require one ingot each of rahnse and isan. You may smelt up to 10 ingots at a time. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab smithing Club There is no help file on that ability. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab smithing Repair Smithing - Repair


Syntax: REPAIR <item>

If a weapon or armour has been damaged, you may repair it to prevent it from falling apart completely. Repairing will decrease the long-term lifetime of the item. The amount by which the item will be repaired is dependent on your skill in Smithing.

Smithing - Reforge

Syntax: ADD <item> TO FORGE

Your knowledge of Smithing is such that you are now able to return an item to the forge, hammering out the individual materials that make it up and preserving some of them for further use.

The portion of materials that you will be able to extract is dependent on your skill in Smithing. Dwarves and owners of Hammers of Forging will also have greater success. Smithing - Crystehl

This ability allows you to use the valuable crystehl ingots, which can be purchased in several townes across the land.

Using a crystehl ingot when smithing increases the resulting stats of a weapon and, to a lesser degree, also armor. Using more than one crystehl ingot will not increase this effect.

Additionally, crystehl can carry any of the special effects, just like orichalcum, veritum, or bone ingots.

Crystehl can be purchased in the following townes: Kragge, Whistlerock, Sintcega, Tayar, Kaln and Pol'pera. Smithing - Fullplate

Full plate armour is considered a rather special item in Imperian, and is strictly limited to use by those with an extremely high aptitude for smithing. It is very expensive, but will serve you very well in battle and will not be tarnished by the passage of time. As well, it may also be customized like an Artifact (HELP CUSTOMIZE for more about this). Fullplate can only be smithed with stehl, crystehl, orichalcum, veritum, or bone.

575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Inia Smithing - Purify

Syntax: PURIFY <weapon/armour> WITH <effect>

Your level of Devotion, coupled with your skill in crafting weapons and armour allows you to purge the taint of magick and demons from your crafted items. The valid types of purification for weapons are:

Banishment - the weapon will be more effective in sending demon-kind back to their own plane of existence.

Emblazing - the weapon has a chance to inflict fire damage to their target. This effect will only work for Templars.

Mirroring - the weapon has a chance to remember one of the target's afflictions, then hit them again with it 4 seconds later. If a mirrored affliction is already pending, mirroring will not flare again.

This effect will only work for Templars.

Excess purification (purifying a weapon of all types) will result in a weakening of the structural integrity of the weapon.

Type MORE to continue reading. (75% shown) 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarmore The valid types of purification for armour are:

Strength - the armour will be strengthened and will take less damage when struck. Antimagick - the armour will provide defense against magickal and lightning damage.

Purifying a suit of armour with both will weaken the armour. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniar Smithing - Resmith

Syntax: RESMITH <artifact>

Resmithing the powerful weapons and suits of armour known as "Artifacts" will allow you to remove any special effects that may be placed on them. You will need to resmith a given item many times before the effect will be completely removed.

Smithing - Etch


Syntax: ETCH <image> ON <weapon/armour> [FOR <person>]

Your knowledge of Runelore and the art of crafting weapons and armour is such that you are able to permanently engrave items with powerful images. The valid images for weapons are:

Flame - imbues a weapon with fire Snowflake - imbues a weapon with ice Bolt - imbues a weapon with lightning Knife - increases armor penetration of the weapon Hawk - when etched on a weapon FOR a person, allows that person to BECKON WEAPONS at any time, and their weapons will return to them.

The nature of the elemental runes (flame, snowflake, and bolt) do not allow for more than one to exist on a weapon at a given time. Furthermore, the presence of any three etched runes on a weapon will weaken the structural integrity of the weapon, decreasing its quality.

Type MORE to continue reading. (63% shown) 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarmore The valid images for armour are:

Sunburst - the wearer will more effectively strike the vitals of targets Firestorm - imbues a suit of armour with fire resistance Blizzard - imbues a suit of armour with cold resistance Rod - imbues a suit of armour with electrical resistance

A suit of armour cannot bear more than one elemental rune (firestorm, blizzard, and rod) at any given time. The presence of any two etched runes on a suit of armour will weaken the armour. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniar Mass down. def- density. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniar Autocuring: apply mass Applied mass. Mass up. def+ density. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab smithing Soulbind Salve balance. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniar Smithing - Soulbind


Syntax: SOULBIND <armour> WITH <effect>

Your knowledge of the magick of death, combined with your skill in smithing, allows you to extract the necromantic essence from weapons that are made with some bone, infusing the weapon with powerful effects. The effects are:

Spikes - weapons that strike this armour will be greatly damaged Pain - attacks directed at the bearer will occasionally rebound some part of the damage back to the attacker.

Binding both effects to a suit of armour will decrease the structural integrity of the armour, weakening it slightly.