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As noted by Menoch, the then-Imperator of Stavenn, Harbinger of the Revenants, <date>

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor: "Pah."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor: "The time for foolery has come to an end."

Menoch: "What seems to be the problem, Archknight?"

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor: "Do you know of the lad Thedric?"

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor: "Skinny ssylsin kid. Not worth much but for boot-shining."

Menoch: "I am trying to recall... ah yes. I know that one."

Menoch: "The little punk that decided it was perfectly acceptable to propose to that Antiochian wench, if memory serves."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor: "Wha-?"

Menoch: "What has he done now?"

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor: "He deserves more than a lesson in respect, then."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor: "But first... perhaps a history lesson for those who have forgotten it, or for those who were never so told."

-Sagremor comes to us with Thedric near the Gates right here.-

You give Thedric the ssylsin youth the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.

The boy's head hangs dejectedly, and he looks up for a mere moment before dropping his gaze out of fear or respect.

Thedric the ssylsin youth says, "Disrespected my superiors, sir."

You snarl, "After that bit with the sandrat wench, I thought you'd be wiser."

Thedric the ssylsin youth says, "I tried-- I tried, I did sir--."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "I've had some complaints from the others as well. There seems confusion, throughout, about the authority of the Diavlous Archknights."

You ask Diavlous Archknight Sagremor, "Any reason that he isn't impaled on his own sternum at our Gates?"

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says to you, "I aim to make a lesson of him."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Before the city."

Thedric the ssylsin youth gulps nervously, attempting to stand ramrod straight.

Menoch chuckles darkly and nods agreeably, but his countenance turns quickly into a frown. "Who would doubt the supremacy of the Archknights, and in doing so risk their life?"

Archknight Mazrai and Archknight Arnatta stride in confidently from the west.

Thedric the ssylsin youth says, "Sir, I hadn't even heard about the Archknights, you've got to believe me."

You snap to attention, clicking your heels together sharply.

Dark magick flows through your veins as you take on a rigid posture and give a sharp salute.

You say, "Hail, Archknights. An honor, truly."

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "I'm sure."

Archknight Arnatta nods her head politely.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Thedric here thinks himself to be an aspiring recruit, but aspiring so far in the way that precedent is not readily available."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "He has done deeds for his keep here for a while, but he knows not what it is to hold the title of Archknight. I doubt he even knows what it means to strive for knighthood."

You grumble angrily.

You say, "This has often been an issue of mine. So few know of our origins."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor nods his head.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "I have been asked to relay what this is, and now I believe it cannot wait any longer."

You nod your head in agreement.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally.

Arianai arrives from the east. She is followed by a lithe black cat.

You say, "I leave it in your most capable hands. My iteration comes secondhand, from seeing Lord Blackmoor gain the title, not from being there myself as you three could attest."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "This is Archknight Mazrai."

Arianai bows respectfully to Iluv.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor gives you a nod of acknowledgement.

Arianai glances briefly northwestwards and dashes off into the distance. She is followed by a lithe black cat.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor indicates the Norrjin before you, who gives an almost patronizing nod before stepping back.

You slowly swing your reptilian tail back and forth in contentment.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "And this is Archknight Arnatta."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor indicates the tall Kohdon, whose fullplate glints in the flickering torchlight.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "I am, as you know, Archknight Sagremor. Some of you I have beaten into pulp long ago."

With a flourish of his arm, Iluv bows deeply.

Arianai emerges from her hiding place.

Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade says, "Hail, Archknights."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Hail, Crux Shade."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "While noise certainly won't be a problem... I will ask you all remain where you are. To witness history a second time is a grave privilege."

Archknight Arnatta nods her head in agreement.

The torchlight of the city street grows dim, shadows pressing in around you. The stark surroundings begin to blur, morphing with shapes and lines into different incarnations of light and dark. Shadows of figures emerge around you, their faces blurry but their clothing styles archaic enough to indicate a different era.

You say, "Archknight Sagremor trains our youth, for those of you unfamiliar with the Revenants. Archknight Arnatta instructs our recruits in arms and combat, and Archknight Mazrai bears the distinction of guarding the Noble's Asklepion."

Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade says, "Enlightening."

Iluv's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Around you, the council of Stavenn. Before you, the council speaker Acacia Farrell."

In the centre of the room there suddenly stands beside Sagremor a tall woman, fierce and imposing in her stature and expression. Sagremor himself seems much younger, clad in the same suit of fullplate, which gleams as brightly as his steeled grey eyes.

The apparition of Acacia Farrell turns towards you slowly, her expression eerily beatific. Among you emerges a shadowy figure whose harsh face is set with animosity.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "The man among you is Mordecai Vega, who opposed the Noctusari in their coup. He stood, foolishly, against us, refusing to accept our unyielding force."

You smirk.

The apparition of Mordecai Vega seems to falter, indecision playing across his face. Sagremor's form stands firm, and Acacia's expression does not change.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Acacia was our leader. She was the visible head of the sect Noctusari, whose power had been kept secret as Stavenn persecuted them."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "I too was present. I saw the foolishness of those who refused to recant their positions against the Noctusari. Their ends were shown in blood and death in the square."

Around you the shadowy council disappears for a brief moment before bright sunlight threatens to blind you. Suddenly you are surrounded by an engulfing city square, its architecture unmistakably familiar. A single figure stands in the center of the square, far away, and you recognize it as Sagremor, his weapons at the ready.

Suddenly coming into view around you is a heap of fresh corpses, the heat beginning to soften and bloat them. They gurgle and ooze, slowly seeping life. The curt scent of freshly spilled blood is sharp in your nostrils, the smell of fear-voided bowels stronger still. The words of Sagremor echo against the sun-baked square.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Among those who were killed here were my brothers and sisters. My mother and my father. They stood against us, and we, the Diavlous, stood therefore against them."

Sagremor's figure looms large suddenly, the just-killed corpses at his feet becoming clearer and clearer in resemblance and horrific demise.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "I was given the title of Archknight that day. I stood against the frail bonds of family in favour of the strength of the Diavlous."

The images around you disappear suddenly, the room returning into view about you as Sagremor stands alone in the centre. Time's lines and weights are heavy on his present form, his face set gravely, his shoulders rounded against the centuries.

You nod your head affirmatively.

You ask, "Who could do otherwise?"

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Many stayed loyal to their families and therefore died with them."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally.

Mazrai steps forward as Sagremor takes a slight step backwards.

Kappa stumbles in looking for a hiding place, imaginary guards hot on his trail.

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "I was there, too."

You say, "As they deserved."

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "Indeed."

The Parade darkens abruptly, and the torches themselves gutter dramatically. Around you transforms into a dimly lit city street, only a glint of swords and the burning glow of an ill-lit churata indicating any presence in the stifling darkness.

Kappa sneaks off to the east, a longbow slung over one arm.

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "I was chosen as the bodyguard of the great Acacia Farrell. She had many assassins come after her. There was a time when she could not leave her estate without being attacked."

Two lone figures turn the corner, stepping into the suffocatingly dark street. A single moment allows you recognition of the youthful Mazrai, his robes close about himself. At his side is the same woman you recognized earlier as Acacia Farrell, her face obscured by a hood.

Kappa stumbles in looking for a hiding place, imaginary guards hot on his trail.

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "Through black and through blood, I stood at her side."

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says to Kappa, a gypsy boy, "Get lost."

Kappa sneaks off to the west, a longbow slung over one arm.

You say, "Wish I could have that effect on him..."

You mumble incoherently.

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai smirks.

All hell seems to break loose about you, shadow figures wielding sword and shield descending on the pair. At once Mazrai leaps into action, his movements brutal and efficient. Heads roll to the ground, scarlet spraying at you and drenching you in the past's bloodthirst.

Arianai hides a grin.

Screams echo throughout the city streets, ricocheting against marble and glass and iron until the cacophony is too much. A single shriek is cut off against the night as the street descends into darkness.

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "They died too easily to be considered 'freedom fighters'."

At once, you are in broad daylight in a busy bazaar and surrounded by bustling crowds. Mazrai and another bodyguard stand, watchful, as Acacia inspects a shop, her keen eyes glinting in the sunlight. A shout erupts and an arrow shaft flies through the air, tearing through the exposed throat of Mazrai's fellow bodyguard.

Without flinching at the arrow's near-miss, Mazrai hurtles a single dagger deep into the heart of a crowd, and the people fall away from a hooded figure, whose cloaks cannot hide the true skill of Mazrai's aim.

As the chaos -- and bloodspray -- settles, your surroundings become very blurry, and the Parade comes into view around you.

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "I did not fall. I did not fail. I was given the title Archknight not for my attempts but for my success."

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai smirks.

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "No soldier is so awarded for losing the battle. No soldier will be given a badge "for trying.""

Tentacles flailing wildly, Selthis enters the room. He is followed by a ravenous hound.

You nod your head in agreement.

Arnatta's imposing form looms high even over Mazrai, and the Norrjin takes his place beside Sagremor.

Archknight Arnatta says, "I would say more than that, Archknights."

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai tilts his head curiously.

Archknight Arnatta says, "The title is given not just for success but for setting precedent. For setting a system upside down in one action."

A trick of light plays over the demon bloodstone statue, making the sanguine eyes appear to flair with a malevolent glow.

You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai gives a curt nod after a moment of consideration.

Your surroundings begin to glow so brightly that you have a hard time seeing Arnatta's massive form but for the miasma surrounding her armour. Her sabres gleam in the awful light, and she sheaths them abruptly.

Riselith taps his flail against the ground, clicking his tongue quietly in thought.

Archknight Arnatta says, "I was given the title not for sheer physical strength. The Noctusari were protected by us -- the Diavlous -- in more ways than the sword."

You tilt your head and listen intently.

Just when the light is too much for you, everything falls grey and you cannot distinguish your surroundings.

Archknight Arnatta says, "I summoned a great demon, far beneath the earth."

As Arnatta's gravelly voice echoes about you, a pentagram seeps into the ground, one clearly designed for domination. Arnatta's figure is seen outside the pentagram, and around you swells dark, ancient words of summoning.

A sudden form materializes before you, trapped within the pentagram's dark powers. The demon's form is grotesque and yet beautiful, strangely humanoid. Its vivid green hair flows over its nubile form, and brilliant red lips cut a gash in its pale face.

Archknight Arnatta says, "I gave it name. It was Nychtred, "night-deal," and I brought it to my will."

A dark, demonic struggle seems to be going on before you, Arnatta's superior force prevailing in the end. A miasma of red surrounds Arnatta and the grotesquely beautiful demon.

Archknight Arnatta says, "It was there, in the council, bending the wills of the people to our side."

Comprehension flashes across your face.

You slowly swing your reptilian tail back and forth in contentment.

The ruling council appears before you, cast in black and grey shadow instead of in normal hues. Behind Mordecai is the demon, a green gash of brilliance amidst shadow.

Archknight Arnatta says, "There had to be a scapegoat, a terrified lamb to slaughter. Mordecai just happened to be the one Nychtred chose."

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai smirks.

Suddenly surrounding you are the figures of famous Stavennite councilpeople, their doings and machinations tied to strings like a carnival marionette. There, far in the background, could be seen the demon Nychtred, her movements subtle and ever-manipulating.

Archknight Arnatta says, "I was given the title for the manipulation of the Stavenn council, a task I not only attempted and succeeded, but excelled in. I set precedent."

You nod your acknowledgement of Archknight Arnatta.

The darkness lifts, and you blink as though you are emerging from a cave into sunlight. The Parade is visible about you.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "And so."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor sets his jaw, maneuvering his way before Arnatta and Mazrai, who fall back. He looms tall over the wide-eyed Thedric.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, ""History of archknighthood" or not, young one."

Arianai's eyebrows raise and she steps back into Iluv's shadow for an attempt of concealment.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Tell me, Thedric, are you even worthy to call yourself Diavlous?"

You cough softly.

You say, "Apologies, Archknight."

You say, "Not even I can call myself that any longer, in good faith. The Diavlous officially are no more."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor lets slip a long, ear-burning string of profanity, something of its kind clearly rare.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Imperator, with all due respect, the Diavlous were not consulted on this matter. We were not."

Archknight Arnatta grunts noncommittally.

ou say to Thedric the ssylsin youth, "You still piss on the history and valor of the Revenants, and we Diavlous Knights before, with your actions. I would have thought my punishment for your proposal to the sandrat would have taught you a lifelong lesson."

Thedric the ssylsin youth looks sad for a long moment, and seems to exhaust all reply before he lets an ill-phrased sentence slip amidst the fray.

Thedric the ssylsin youth says, "But -- I am a Revenant."

You nod your head in agreement.

You say, "I woke to the change. I went into a torpor and slept as a Diavlous knight, and awoke to it no longer being so."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says to you, "The standards have been lowered, Imperator."

You sigh softly, nodding your head.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "All those who have ever called themselves Archknight would have rolled over in their slumber had they been included in the decision."

Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade says, "Hey now."

You say, "I hold to them yet still. So few do. But I cannot- and WILL not-, permit divisiveness. It was out of my hands, and I work now to rebuild us to glory."

Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade says, "In the past I served as the Lord of the Damned."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "I will not be muted, with all due respect. I have been mute all these years, but no more, Imperator. What is the state of the Diavlous? "No more"? Replaced by a watered-down version?"

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor spits on the ground in disgust.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "And of all the guilds to join ourselves with? The MALIGNISTS??"

You say, "The one responsible for not consulting you, was removed and I personally impaled him upon his own sternum."

You wince in pain.

Iluv peers at Diavlous Archknight Sagremor unscrupulously.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "They broke from the Noctusari out of spite."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "They could reconcile themselves with the Noctusari, but no, we must embrace them. We must bring the black sheep into our family, and bathe it, and raise it like an addled child."

Arianai glances up towards the rain contemplatively, kneeling low in silence before she returns her attention to the surrounding discussion.

1Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "Come now. The Noctusari were rejected because of their ability to evolve and adapt to a new landscape, Sagremor."

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "If you cannot do the same, you are no different than Mordecai."

Occasional raindrops fall on your head as the drizzle continues.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor takes particular offense to this statement, but fumes silently, looking to the Imperator instead.

Menoch grits his teeth, his face turned into something terrible to behold. "I wish I could disagree with Sagremor. I felt the exact same, and did as any Diavlous would. I took control, the former Harbinger left, and I tortured him to death in his beloved Shaahri desert."

You say, "But there is some truth to Mazrai's words."

You say, "We must adapt and grow, with the hand we have been dealt."

You shrug helplessly.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "We are no longer KNIGHTS, Imperator."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "What of the standards I hold my knights to? We are no longer worthy of that title."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "And what of mine? It is not respected. Why call myself that?"

Occasional raindrops fall on your head as the drizzle continues.

1You say, "I hold any I've knighted in the Revenants to those selfsame standards."

You say, "And hold on a damn minute."

You say, "Whoever would dare to disrespect any of the four Archknights would meet death at my hands in an instant."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Then kill that ssylsin."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "He is the utmost epitome of the foolishness of our youth."

You reach out and clench a fist before Thedric the ssylsin youth, who screams and doubles over in agony as his skin suddenly bubbles with gangrenous growths.

Thedric the ssylsin youth begins to yell for help.

(Stavenn): Thedric the ssylsin youth says, "Ahhh! Send help quick to Imperial Parade nearing the gates of Stavenn!'"

A demonic crimson jackal springs to Thedric the ssylsin youth's defence.

You howl as Thedric the ssylsin youth hacks into you.

Occasional raindrops fall on your head as the drizzle continues.

You gasp in pain and horror as a demonic crimson jackal lunges at you, catching your flesh within its cruel jaws, tearing and ripping of your flesh.

Thedric the ssylsin youth opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.

You reach out and clench a fist before Thedric the ssylsin youth, who screams and doubles over in agony as his skin suddenly bubbles with gangrenous growths.

Unable to maintain cohesion, Thedric the ssylsin youth's mutated and warped flesh sloughs off from his bones as he collapses to the ground in a twisted heap.

You have slain Thedric the ssylsin youth.

A long, sharp dagger tumbles out of the corpse of Thedric the ssylsin youth.

A curved sabre tumbles out of the corpse of Thedric the ssylsin youth.

An iron collar bearing the crest of the Diavlous Knights tumbles out of the corpse of Thedric the ssylsin youth.

You say to a demonic crimson jackal, "Calm thyself."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor waves a hand at a demonic crimson jackal, who calms.

Iluv picks up an iron collar bearing the crest of the Diavlous Knights.

Jonny picks up a curved sabre.

Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade says to Diavlous Archknight Sagremor, "I believe this is yours."

Iluv gives an iron collar bearing the crest of the Diavlous Knights to Diavlous Archknight Sagremor.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally.

Jonny gives a curved sabre to Diavlous Archknight Sagremor.

Arianai looks thoughtfully at Diavlous Archknight Sagremor's profile, pondering the situation.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor turns an iron collar over, an expression of sadness briefly crossing his face.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "I recall the pride with which this used to inspire."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "In the recruits I trained."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says to Archknight Arnatta, "You've seen it too, have you not?"

Archknight Arnatta says, "I have."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "You've taught the young ones faithfully."

You say, "I bought mine from you, and have worn it with pride ever since."

You remove an iron collar bearing the crest of the Diavlous Knights.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "How, then, can this be so cleanly removed from our present?"

You are now wearing an iron collar bearing the crest of the Diavlous Knights.

Arianai peers about herself unscrupulously.

You say, "I have failed then, in my duty as a knight, by falling into torpor and allowing worthless usurpers to bear the title Harbinger."

Arianai frowns slightly.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor kicks at the corpse of Thedric the ssylsin youth, a grim look settled on his face.

Occasional raindrops fall on your head as the drizzle continues.

Archknight Arnatta says, "This does not mean the future must follow suit."

You say, "I cannot fail then in my endeavor to return us to glory. The Diavlous as a guild are no more, but some few Diavlous were knighted and yet remain in the Revenants."

Archknight Arnatta says, "We can rise above the failures of the past. Can we not aspire to be as we once were?"

You nod your head affirmatively.

You say, "Those of the old guard that yet remain and wake."

Archknight Arnatta says, "You have heard our stories now. You know what one knight alone can accomplish."

You say, "Are given responsibility and encouraged to do just that. My own Mortificare was one of the most exquisitely brutal Harbingers in the history of Aetherius."

You nod your head in agreement.

You say, "Precisely."

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai seems to consider this, his oft-arrogant features touched briefly with a rare glimpse of empathy.

Lord Selthis Greyjoy, the Kraken says to you, "If I may, Imperator."

You say, "Of course, Lord Greyjoy."

You tilt your head and listen intently to Selthis.

Lord Selthis Greyjoy, the Kraken says to you, "The Diavlous are dead. Buried. Perhaps it is time to turn the new name, used now by the Archknights as an epithet, instead into a prophecy. A revenant technically a being returned from the dead to terrorize the living."

The skies turn darker as the rain intensifies.

The body of Lady Mena Greyjoy appears in a flash and her soul descends to fill it, causing the previously expressionless face to fill with emotion.

You ponder the situation.

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "I would be honoured to recognize a knighted Revenant as I would a knighted Diavlous if the knighted Revenant did as the Diavlous used to."

Mena peers about herself unscrupulously.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally.

You say, "It should bear note, Archknights."

Lord Selthis Greyjoy, the Kraken says, "Be the revenant of the Diavlous. Strike terror in your foes, accept what you are. And be stronger. Being different is not weakness. It is its own kind of strength."

You nod your head in agreement.

Archknight Arnatta says, "If the same standards are kept, I agree. I will not tolerate any lesser knights to profane the title."

Mena gives Diavlous Archknight Mazrai a respectful salute.

You say, "You speak with great wisdom, as always, Ephor."

Iluv nods sagely at Selthis.

You say, "But as I was saying, none yet in the Revenants have been capable of earning the title Knight, exactly because I hold them to this standard."

You say, "Look at the knights in the Revenants thus far."

You say, "Antrax, Lixan, myself, Ihsan. All knighted by the Diavlous, are the few who have been capable of maintaining the standards I hold for knighthood today."

Jonny says, "I can earn it."

You say, "If such is your worry Archknights, rest assured, minds at ease. No Revenant will bear the title knight without holding to those exacting standards."

You give Jonny the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.

Like a waterfall, rain pours down around you, soaking you thoroughly.

You say, "This one may yet be capable, as any are, if they have that true grit within them."

"Aye," Iluv mutters aloud.

Riselith Shinohara, the Twisted Heart says, "If I may enquire something as a simple outsider pondering the proceedings?"

You say, "Of course. You are one of our stalwart Khandavan allies, and your services to us have been plentiful. Speak your mind."

Riselith Shinohara, the Twisted Heart says, "What of the old Malignist guild. Have they simply been assimilated or has something of their lore and teachings been augmented into the Revenants?"

Like a waterfall, rain pours down around you, soaking you thoroughly.

Tapping his flail against the ground once more, Riselith looks on inquisitively.

Archknight Arnatta smiles wryly, a look of amusement passing over her features.

The drizzle stops entirely, leaving only heavy cloud cover.

You say, "I have maintained their rituals, and their entire library is now within our own. With a mighty effort, we even rendered access to their platform in the sky from our own guildhall."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Why should they even be remembered?"

You say, "None may seek the title Knight within the Revenants without an understanding of both-."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "They have served their uses, surely."

The evening sun begins to cast long shadows across the darkening land.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "But their rebellion against the Noctusari? Not something to embrace in a fledgling guild's history."

Archknight Arnatta nods her head in agreement.

You ponder for a moment and say "Hrm..."

Archknight Arnatta says, "As you know, Archknight, history can be rewritten..."

The sky above you opens up some, leaving only partial cloud cover.

You say, "This bears consideration. There is, of course, a reason as to why our hall remains under the Diavlous crest, and not from kissing Flagg's feet in the library."

Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade says, "And with that, mistakes remade."

You nod your acknowledgement of Iluv.

Archknight Arnatta says, "I would not have it said that we swallowed the Malignists like poison. Let it be known that the Revenants took them as a grave takes a corpse."

You ask, "Such as it is then, Archknight Sagremor... how would you feel about this?"

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "I would be proud to say just that, Arnatta."

You ask, "As Ephor Greyjoy most accurately said, a Revenant is that which rises again and is repurposed, no?"

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally.

Archknight Arnatta nods sagely.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Then we will be Archknights of the Revenants."

You ask, "Therefore, why should we hesitate to let those of Malign origin not be given the opportunity to forsake that disparagement of our Noctusari founders, as Revenants?"

Archknight Arnatta gives Diavlous Archknight Sagremor an acknowledging nod.

You say, "Let them maintain their studies, as you said sir, they did serve their purpose."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor nods slowly.

You say, "And let them work to attain Knighthood, held to the standards of the original Diavlous, like myself and the lovely Lady Lixan here."

Visions of battle fly through your mind as raise your hand to your brow and give Lixan a respectful salute.

You wrap your tail gently around Lixan, affectionately pulling her close.

Taking on a rigid posture, Lixan wreathes her hand in crackling black energy and brings it to her brow, giving a sharp salute.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "What say you, Mazrai?"

You say, "In this way, both the Diavlous and the Malign are reborn as Revenants, held to the standards we were originally, us former Diavlous."

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "I believe I am amenable to the idea."

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai smirks.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Then we will be known as Revenant Archknights."

The shadows lengthen, daylight wanes, and the sun falls deeper to the horizon.

Lord Selthis Greyjoy, the Kraken says, "Archknight, if I may."

You ask, "But whom amongst our ranks would meet those criteria you three, and Lord Blackmoor, have met?"

The firmament grows darker as the clouds begin to smother the light.

You say, "As you said when granting him the title Archknight, only an Archknight can make another Archknight."

You tilt your head and listen intently to Selthis.

Lord Selthis Greyjoy, the Kraken says, "I am an outsider to the guild. But were it my preference based on what I have heard you speak of today, I think it more appropriate that you remain Diavlous Archknights. As a reminder of what was lost and what they could become again."

Mountains of gold glitter around you, their colour broken only by the precious gemstones and platinum jewellery strewn throught the heaps.

The sky above you opens up some, leaving only partial cloud cover.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally.

The night's darkness is held at bay by the soft glow of the triple moons.

Arianai parts her lips to speak, but thinks better of it and glances down with a soft 'hmm.' and curls her fingers beneath her knees.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Imperator, my discouragement makes me fear we will never knight a Diavlous Archknight again."

Riselith ponders for a moment, speaking slightly out of turn to say, "Is the prefix to Archknight completely set in stone or required even?"

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally.

You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.

Jonny asks, "Permission to speak?"

You say, "Granted."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally at Jonny.

Jonny says, "Since only an Archknight can knight another...might I suggest that when any of us prove worthy enough for such a honour...that the three Archknights here now gather to do the ritual. That all three must agree or the person in question will not be deemed worthy?"

Stars fill the firmament, illuminating the evening sky with a pale light.

Arianai glances to Jonny with a faint smile.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "It has always been such. All must agree."

Archknight Arnatta nods her head.

You say, "As well as the Harbinger, if continuity is to be observed."

You cough softly.

Riselith Shinohara, the Twisted Heart says, "I ask my question in regards to a slight symbol of continuation rather than disregard "Diavlous" and flippantly replace it for "Revenant" simply remain Archknights through the ages."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "A decent point, Riselith."

You nod your head in agreement.

Iluv nods his head at Riselith, showing his acceptance.

You say, "I rather like it. Let Archknights remain as they started, separate from all other forms of reckoning as either Diavlous or Revenant."

You say, "Or rather, not separate, but above."

Shifting his weight from one foot to the other, Riselith gives a slight nod.

The firmament grows darker as the clouds begin to smother the light.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally.

The stars slowly pulse one by one into dimness only to reappear again, brighter than before.

Archknight Arnatta says, "I have no qualms with this."

Arianai looks thoughtfully at Diavlous Archknight Sagremor's profile, pondering the situation.

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "I'm certain what little I have I will be able to put aside."

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai tilts his head and listens intently to Diavlous Archknight Sagremor.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "I will still wear my name as Diavlous Archknight. It is who I am and I could no more divorce it from myself than my own arm."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "But those -- and I hope there will be those -- who so deserve to be Archknights will be Archknights regardless."

You say, "You three are the marked exception. None other remain who stood before the ignorant and cowardly to take up arms and armor in defense of our Noctusari siblings."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Indeed."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "We will consider candidates, then."

You nod your head.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "I know of a few, though we may not all agree."

You say, "I leave you to your deliberations. I will offer forth names of those I see fit, as I become aware of them."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor nods his head.

Archknight Arnatta nods her head.

Arianai stands from her kneel as quietly as possible, hands bearing weapons falling to her sides.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Thank you for slaying that hideous ssylsin kid."

Riselith brings his flail to his head in a casual salute once more.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "Far too skinny to make it in the Dia--the Revenants."

ou grin and nod.

You say, "My... -extreme-... pleasure."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor seems to pause, and a hesitant -- and rare -- glimpse of a smile can be seen before it is replaced by his usual gruff demeanour.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says, "I return to my post, then, at your leave, Harbinger."

You say, "The stories of your origins, and the origins of the Diavlous and thus the Revenants, will be mandatory knowledge for any who seek the title Knight henceforth."

Dark magick flows through your veins as you take on a rigid posture and give a sharp salute.

Taking on a rigid posture, Diavlous Archknight Sagremor wreathes his hand in crackling black energy and brings it to his brow, giving you a respectful salute.

Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade says, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Diavlous Archknight."

With a flourish of his arm, Iluv bows deeply.

You say, "Of course, Archknight. We are as always, in your debt."

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor says to Iluv, "Likewise, Crux Shade."

With a flourish of her arm, Arianai bows deeply.

Diavlous Archknight Sagremor grunts noncommittally.

Sagremor's armor clinks as he exits to the west.

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai says, "And always, a pleasure to be out and about among the noblefolk, at least."

Archknight Arnatta's eyes sparkle with amusement.

You grin mischievously at Diavlous Archknight Mazrai.

Diavlous Archknight Mazrai seems to hide a snooty smile very poorly.

Mazrai scans the room before leaving to the west.

Visions of battle fly through your mind as raise your hand to your brow and give Archknight Arnatta a respectful salute.