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As noted by Bathan, the head of the Cult of Conquest, Solis, 6 AM;

A distant grumbling thunder crawls across the firmament as clouds roll across the Areish.

(Cult): Zhiash says, "The altar calls. The time has come, who would join me at the altar?"

Zhiash inclines her head toward you respectfully.

Azefel swings his scaled tail back and forth contently.

Zhiash says, "The altar calls, the power within it grows threatening to spill out if not tapped. A ritual must be held, one that binds you all together. You who have gathered will represent your fellows who are unable, will you participate in the ritual to bring forth the power of Conquest into the world?"

You say, "Aye, I shall."

Jaivanna Fel'Amrit says, "Indeed."

Julianna nods her head.

Azefel nods slowly.

Hewn from a single piece of perfect marble within which veins of black and white light pulse and shimmer, there is a feeling of observation around this small altar, as if some unseen being were paying particular attention to it. Just under one foot in each dimension, it is supported by four legs carved from its under-side. The altar itself is inscribed all around the sides with complex Divine sigils which glow with a constant white light. Polished smooth, a perfect sphere hovers a few inches above the surface of the altar, more sigils carved into its surface that seem to dance and change constantly, occasionally connecting to the altar beneath via single shaft of light.

Zhiash floats around the altar, her form fading against a slowly raising breeze as she runs her hand against the smooth stone below the golden bowl. Her movement stops behind the altar, her form hovering above the ground as she grows brighter.

Zhiash says, "I had much time to read about your people, to ask questions and study how you behave. I have seen in your written works stories of rituals and ceremonies alike, some magickal in nature, some not."

Zhiash says, "Among these rituals were those of the blood rites, blood brothering and the like. The practice of taking others into yourselves, and becoming one being, one purpose and one mind."

The wind begins to pick up, and Zhiash's form blurs against it, her inner light flickering, but pressing strongly against darkness growing from clouds that gather overhead.

You flick your forked tongue out briefly, testing the air.

Julianna swings her scaled tail back and forth contently.

Zhiash motions to the golden bowl atop the altar before her and states, "That is what I wish of you, to take a piece of yourselves and gather it here in this golden vessel."

Zhiash says, "Your gods bled for you, they fell to protect you and from their sacrifice I have been given life. I ask that you give a part of your life now that we join together to see magick wiped from this land, and all of its people united under a single banner."

Zhiash says, "With your blood, we will gather the power that lies within this altar, absorbed from the world around it, and we will see Conquest take solid roots within this world!"

Thunder cracks overhead, tearing through the air like a battle cry as the sky begins to darken. The wind picks up, blowing dust across the wildflowers and spattered grass and shaking the branches of the barren, stunted trees surrounding the solid altar.

You say, "Our Entity speaks truth, brothers and sisters. The time has come. The preparations have been made. All the remains is this final union before our holy mission begins. You have all served with faith, each aiding the cause as you are able."

Bathan marches to an altar of sanctity, lifting a shimmering amethyst claymore to his open palm. A fair amount of blood spills, draining into the bowl atop the altar.

Jaivanna retrieves a dagger from her pack and carefully opens her hand with the tip, blood trickling to the surface of the skin and pooling in her palm. She holds her hand over the bowl and lets a few generous drops drip in.

Julianna walks over to the altar and stretches her arm out above the bowl. She takes the dagger and slices her forearm, allowing blood to drip down into the basin below.

Zhiash reaches down and lifts Altair, the black hawk from the ground, placing him upon her shoulder as she gently strokes his chest.

Azefel pierces his palm with the head of his spear, slowly dragging it down and splitting flesh. He holds his palm over the bowl, watching his blood joining that of the others.

Bathan looks to Zhiash, giving a sharp nod. "All have offered blood now."

Zhiash gives you a nod of acknowledgement.

You utter a deep, raspy laugh.

You say, "It is done, then. Let our Conquest begin."

Shadows form over the Areish as clouds writhe and darken over the mountains, the roll of distant thunder growling with growing power.

Gently lifting the bowl from the altar, Zhiash cradles the golden vessel to her chest reverently. She begins to glow brightly as her form absorbs the bowl, its metallic surface reflecting light as its contents begins to swirl within the form of the entity, her blue and silver light taken on a warmer hue.

She is a radiant Entity. Her svelte humanoid form is feminine, but void of detail. Bluish gray skin glows with a dull inner light, and is covered in silvery-white patterns that twist about her body. Her face is hidden behind a white mask, the only features being two hairs-width black lines that run from brow to jaw bisecting each of the eyes. Light beams from the eyes of the mask, no face visible within. Wavy hair of silver curls round her head, moving with a life of its own.

The liquid from the golden vessel begins to swirl into the light of the entity Zhiash, slowly crawling upwards and coalescing into a pulsing mass of blood that begins to spider through her form, as it seems to become more solid. Pressing her hands to he chest, Zhiash retrieves the golden bowl from within her and places it gently back upon the altar, still grasping its gilded edges.

The altar begins to radiate power, an almost palpable energy hanging in the air as the stone grows bright with golden light. The light grows to encompass the form of the entity Zhiash, her own light changing in hue to match. Upon her shoulder, the black hawk cries as he spreads his wings, his own form being lost within the light.

For a brief moment all is still as the tangible energy surrounding the area coalesces within the basin atop the altar. That moment is shattered as a bolt of lightning crashes down from the heavens, encompassing the entity and the altar in a blinding flash that leaves motes dancing behind your eyes.

With a resounding crash, a bolt of lightning strikes down from the blackened heavens into the Areish Mountains.

As your vision returns, you find yourself bathed in golden light, radiating from the being before you. The light shatters the darkness, piercing the heart of each of you and granting you visions of war and strife, victory and success, battle and comradery. You feel yourself growing stronger, changing into something more than a cult of individuals.

A final burst of light drives back the darkness of the storm as the being before you is revealed. Held aloft by wings like ribbons of stormy night is the Ascendari of Conquest, encased in resplendent golden armour with elaborate embellishments.

A burst of golden light pierces the storm above the Areish, which dissipates with one final peal of thunder announcing the arrival of the Ascendari of Conquest.

Jaivanna gazes in amazement at the sight before her.

Hastati says, "Behold now, the sect that would see the world united under one banner, the reign of Conquest begins!"

The peaceful form of Caelya, riding a high-strung roan mare, Aspect of Aryana enters from the south.

She is followed by a wee feisty kestrel named Bazgen.

Azefel's icewyrm makes its final strike, leaping forward onto Caelya and pinning her to the ground with its bulk. Slowly, itching with hungry desire, the wyrm draws a wicked claw across Caelya's chest, splitting flesh and calling blood to the surface. Its control finally breaking, the wyrm lunges for the wound and dives snout-first into its warm depths. With quick, forceful bites, the wyrm tears through Caelya's body, disemboweling her and gorging itself on her innards.

Azefel has slain Caelya.

You exclaim, "A fitting sacrifice!"

You kneel before Hastati, swearing your allegiance to her.

Azefel kneels before Hastati, swearing his allegiance to her.

Jaivanna kneels before Hastati, swearing her allegiance to her.

Hastati inclines her head respectfully.

Jaivanna Fel'Amrit says, "How incredible. I'm glad I could attend this.."

Gleefully, you say, "Yes, this is the power that will win us the land .."

She is a radiant Ascendari. Tall and lithe, she is dressed in a crimson gown and golden armour. The gown is wide and flowing, and accented with white embroidery decorating its edge, and cut in a way that would maximize a warriors movement. The golden armour is elaborate, comprising of a piece that covers chest, arms and waist, and is decorated with elaborate engravings. A featureless white mask obscures the entirety of her face save two glowing, hawk-like eyes large and fierce. From her back grow two large wings, their feathers like ribbons of night blowing and swaying within stormy winds. Her hair is raven as well, flowing down her back, swaying in the same unfelt breeze as the wings. Where visible, her skin is dark bronze, a contrast to her resplendent armour.

Jaivanna Fel'Amrit says, "I am confused, what happened to the cult? What has it become?"

Hastati says, "It has become a sect. You are more than simply a grouping of like minded individuals. You are a whole."

Jaivanna Fel'Amrit says, "Is appears we are the first and only sect."

Bathan rises to his feet, a wide grin on his features. "That is the strength of our ambition. We must be the strongest, the swiftest."

Jaivanna Fel'Amrit says, "I am honored to be apart of such an achievement."