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Soon after Zhiash's transformation, Omyedhi was drawn to the Cult of the Eternal Flame and became Samaos, the Dread Flame. The following year, mortals learned that the entities could consume one another and gain the strength and wisdom of the victim - the entity known as Paesa swallowed up Qinlan and then Ronol, leaving their cults defeated and broken.

The Cult of the Wild Hunt was the next to achieve the status of Sect, raising Zarah up to Ascendari and becoming Isra, the Wild Huntress. The hungry Paesa was lured by members of the Cult of the Leechwood into the Al'drym Woods in the middle of the year 8 AM, who deceived her with claims of boundless power for her to consume. In reality, they sought the energy for themselves and Paesa was sapped dry by the Leechwood, and the Diabolus named Olanre rose in her place.

New entities would continue to be born and then have their life snuffed out over the coming years: Osila was born in the year 15 AM, as was Svorai in the following year. In the year 21 AM, the Rashirmir Cult became a Sect and raised the entitity Binoud into Dianos, the morphae. In 23 AM, the entity known as Cadra took a mortal vessel, the Archknight Arnatta - she would later become the diabolus Nyrohi. A decade later, in the year 32 AM, Hastati, the first ascendari, murdered Dianos in the temple of Rashirmir, provoking the ire of Svorai. The two entities battled and in the end, Hastati died and its essence was released into the world again.