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In the year 420 AA, an expedition composed of [[lycaean|lycaeans]] and [[sylayan|sylayans]] made their way north, led by [[Galt Lyesmith]], to escape the civil unrest caused by war in [[Kinsarmar]] and [[Stavenn]]. After passing through a previously uncharted trail in the [[Reate Forest]], they came upon the dark, black pine barrens of the Ithaquan Forest, which were inhabited by packs of abnormally huge feral wolves, which stalked and picked off members of the expedition, including [[Knut Lyesmith]]. The arboreals in the group decided that the party should seek safety in the trees, and spent many years building platforms and catwalks spanning the branches of the pines.
In the year 420 AA, an expedition composed of [[lycaean|lycaeans]] and [[sylayan|sylayans]] made their way north, led by [[Galt Lyesmith]], to escape the civil unrest caused by war in [[Kinsarmar]] and [[Stavenn]]. After passing through a previously uncharted trail in the [[Reate Forest]], they came upon the dark, black pine barrens of the Ithaquan Forest, which were inhabited by packs of abnormally huge feral wolves, which stalked and picked off members of the expedition, including [[Knut Lyesmith]]. The arboreals in the group decided that the party should seek safety in the trees, and spent many years building platforms and catwalks spanning the branches of the pines.
Ithaqua is formally founded in the year 428 AA as members of the Lyesmith pack settle in to a life isolated from the conflict of the southern civilizations. A blizzard the following year makes their devotion to isolation difficult, however; even the wolves disappear or hunker away in buried dens, and their meager supplies soon dwindle down to mere scraps. Desperate Ithaquans turn to the only Gods who seem to still take an interest in them - Thanatos, Malkav, and Nemesis. Cults to these Gods were started, and Ithaquans even began practicing the arts of the [[Noctusari]] and [[Diabolist]], but an even more significant division is felt throughout the village between the lycaeans and the sylayans.
Though they had founded Ithaqua together, the two races found themselves pitted against each other in a battle for survival. The lycaeans struck first, calling the elves to a council meeting and then springing an ambush upon them. The nearly feral wolfmen offered the blood of the fallen to Nemesis and then feasted upon their flesh. The elven arboreals that survived decided to conduct a ritual that would cause the forest itself to smite the traitorous lycaeans, but Nemesis intervened, calling the elves out for trying to tip the natural balance of the dark forest in their favor. A great storm, far greater than the blizzard that had previously ravaged their village, was summoned and in its wake, Ithaqua was destroyed and nearly every inhabitant of the village was slain.
