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Revision as of 18:02, 3 April 2018

Last Updated: 3 April 2018

If you have an item with token in its appearance, please look under the Token heading in this file to find the appropriate item. All other items have been alphabetized.

An altar of sanctity: 3 Tokens

- This altar allows you to perform the ritual of sacrifice as if you were always at your cult's or shrine's altar. You'll never have to go out of your way to get to your temple's altar again!

Atlas Pages: 1 Token per page

- Fragments of maps that can be added to your atlas to increase your knowledge and abilities while in specific areas.  HELP ATLAS to find out more about how to use them.

Bait Bucket: 2 Tokens

- This wonderful item is filled with an endless supply of bait.

A bent copper coin: 2 Tokens

- When you TAP <coin>, spiders, rattlesnakes, ants, frogs, meadowhawks, and sidewinders explode from the ground. This can only be used once per hour.

A Bookbinder's Trinket: 1 Token

- Allows you to remove the atlas pages from your atlas, letting you reapply them for different bonuses!
- Pages removed this way cannot be traded.

Cairn Stones: 1 Token

- These stones are used for created different types of cairns. Read HELP CAIRNS for more information.

A Collar of Customisation: 5 Tokens

- This collar works just like a Collar of Taming, except it allows you to use the customisation system to submit new descriptions for your pet.

A construction kit (a portable market stall): 25 Tokens

- This item allows you to set up a market stall in urban, road, or path environments.
- SETUP STALL to set it up
- BREAKDOWN STALL to break it down and put the kit back in your inventory.
- If your shop is not within a city or council and would like to change the title or description of the shop please send a message to Jeremy with the relevant information and mail him 1,000 gold (For titling) or 10,000 gold (For description) with the title or description within.

A Deathglory orb: 3 Tokens

- This special orb will allow you to specify your own custom deathsight message that the world will see when you kill someone. This message must be approved by the Gods before it will be used. You will have a new option in CONFIG for submitting your deathsight message. Use the special variables $(caster$) to expand your character's name, and $(target$) to expand your target's name in the deathsight message. Read HELP SCRIPTING for information about capitalising the first letter of a sentence if it is a variable. If you have any questions, please feel free to issue yourself.

Diamond-Tipped Spade: 5 Tokens

- This artifact decreases the time it takes to dig or bury by 66%.

Disownment papers: 1 Token

- Hides your surname from most room, movement, honours, and communication messages.

Dragonskin Quiver: 5 Tokens

- Unlike regular quivers, this dragonskin will never decay and cause you to lose your valuable arrows.
- Also holds many more arrows than normal quivers!

A drakeskin feedbag: 2 Tokens

- This special item will ensure that your pets will never go hungry again. Any pet commands that make your pet hungry will no longer cause hunger to your pet.

A Dwarven toolbox: 5 Tokens

- This item will automatically work as if you are possessing/wielding all of the items required to craft Tradeskill items, including their improved Engineering counterparts.

An extra tattoo slot: 10 Tokens

- Have you ever found yourself yearning for just one more tattoo? This is the solution to all of your problems! With this, you will be able to obtain one more tattoo on your body. To do so, simply INK <tattoo> ON BODY <of me>, or BUY <tattoo> ON BODY OF ME.

Familiars: 5 Tokens - HELP FAMILIARS to see both the battle and rp uses for these creatures. These are part of the OFTHEEARTH set - allowing you to gain access to the Architect. - a miniature ssylsin - a miniature wolkin - a miniature asuwan - a miniature xiur - a miniature minotaur - a miniature gargoyle

A fine leather wriststrap: 2 Tokens

- When you ATTACH <strap> TO <weapon>, the name of the weapon will appear in the short description of the weapon. The weapon must be indited for this to work.

Fishing Lure: 2 Tokens

- Increased chance of catching a better fish. BAIT POLE WITH LURE to attach it. It must be used in conjunction with bait.

Fragrant Sachet of Potpourri: 1 Token

- Never smell foul again! When you are suffering from the stinky affliction, holding this potpourri will nullify the intermittent messages of your stench.

A glass of aura magnification: 1 Token

- This artifact allows you to use the LASTLOGIN command on any of your mutual allies, letting you see how many days ago they last logged in!

Goggles of the unseen: 5 Tokens

- This artifact, when worn, will allow you to passively see any hidden exits in your room.

Goggles of Whitesight: 4 Tokens

- Enables you to see in blizzards.

A gold divining rod: 5 Tokens - This rod has a 25% faster cooldown but it decays after 5 game years. See HELP TOMES.

A golden medal of the beasts: 3 Tokens

- Allows you to upgrade a skill on your animal. If you only have 30% max on deliver, you can use the medal to bump it up to 100%. This item will be consumed upon use. To use it: 

PRESS MEDAL ON <pet> FOR <skill>.

A heron feather: 1 Token

- CARESSing this item will grant you a single trip to Clouds as if you were borne upon the wings of the eagles! This item is consumed upon use.

A keymaker's satchel: 3 Tokens

- Allows the user to COPY and PRODUCE keys without visiting the key person. Costs 1 iron per key.

Lamiran Amulet: 3 Tokens

- If worn, this amulet will allow you to breathe underwater.

A locket of memories: 2 Tokens

- With the memories of the other races in your head, you may perform any racially-restricted emote. EMOTEAS <race> <emote> 

A large oak barrel: 1 Token

- Need to get to the underworld and hate that long trip to Caanae? With this barrel, you can DROWN IN BARREL. Note: You must have the charm bracelet in order to do this.

A lucky charm: 1 Token

- Gives you a slightly increased chance to find a tome page. It is used up when you find a page and it was the reason. Pages found this way do not count toward the global daily limit. 

A mimicking solution: 2 Tokens

- Command: COPY <vial one> DESIGN TO <vial> <vial> ...
- This item will set the description all vials listed after DESIGN TO to match the description on vial one. It can be used on up to five other vials. This is a one use item.

A mini chess board: 3 Tokens

- A portable chess board you can pack up and take anywhere! Just PICK it up to take it, or DROP it to start the fun.

A miniature generator: 2 Tokens

- This little generator can be carried with you wherever you go, and any corpses placed into it will act as though placed in your city or council's generator.
- Note: if your city or council does not currently have a generator, this artifact will not work.

Monocle of Acuity: 8 Tokens

- You will not use equilibrium when using the glance or observe skills.
- If you do not have the observe skill, it will give it to you.

Obsidian and Gold Pipe: 5 Tokens

- This pipe will never run out and never needs to be lit.

Orbs of ambience

- a glimmering orb of ambience  [Two ambiences]    (2 Token)
- a glowing orb of ambience     [Six ambiences]    (5 Tokens)
- a shining orb of ambience     [Twelve ambiences] (9 Tokens)
- an effulgent orb of ambience  [Twenty ambiences] (14 Tokens)
- a blinding orb of ambience    [Forty ambiences]  (20 Tokens)
- These peculiar orbs can be fused into your house, and allow you to specify custom ambient messages.
- Fusing this orb to your house will suppress any natural environmental messages.
- Syntax: ORB.
- It is upgradable using the TOKEN UPGRADE <item#> [CONFIRM] syntax.


- A wyrmskin pack:     3 Tokens This pack never decays and can hold 100 items.
- A behemothskin pack: 4 Tokens This pack never decays and can hold 150 items.
- A wyvernskin pack:   5 Tokens This pack never decays and can hold 200 items.

A pair of distorted glasses: 5 Tokens

- These glasses allow you to GLANCE through walls, it will automatically work if you are wearing them and GLANCE <direction>.

Piccolo of the Pests: 2 Tokens

- Doubles the vermin allowed in rooms you are in if you have vermin on.

Prism Pouch: 4 Tokens

- Randomly generates inks. Ooer....

Propaganda Pamphlet: 3 Tokens

- Hide your honours and instead show a custom line written by the owner.
- CONFIG HONOURS to view the syntax.

Portal Coins: 1 Token

- These coins offer you a one-way trip to a personal area that only you will be able to hunt in. Read HELP PORTALCOINS for more information.

A quicksilver bucket: 5 Tokens

- This bucket, once filled with water, will never be emptied by dousing the fire in a room.

Quicksilver Flask: 1 Token

- Can store up to 50,000 sips or applications of a concoction or toxin.
- Can be used to sell refills within a shop.

Quicksilver Pole: 2 Tokens

- This pole reels faster, casts faster, and catches better fish more often.

A rock of changing: 5 Tokens

- This item can be used to take the place of one assembly piece per set. This means you can only use 1 rock per set. So if you have 2 pieces of the Moonscrown and wish to assemble it, the rock can take the place of the third piece. The rock will be consumed automatically by the ASSEMBLE <set> command, so be sure you want it used before entering the command.

A shifting mirror: 1 Token

- This mirror will allow you to view the description of any player in Imperian. Simply PEER MIRROR <person> to view them.

Silver Keyring: 1 Token

- Can be used to store your keys on. Only the owner can remove keys from the ring. ATTACH <key> TO KEYRING and REMOVE <key> FROM KEYRING are the required commands.

A simple sock puppet: 3 Tokens

- Master the art of throwing your voice with this sock puppet!
- VOICETHROW <direction> <message> will allow you to speak in an adjacent room, appearing as a 'disembodied voice'.
- VOICETHROW HERE <message> to make it appear as if the puppet is talking in your current location!

Smoked Glass Pipet: 2 Tokens

- Preserve toxins 33% faster.
- Slightly increases the "sips" of toxins you can fit in a vial.

A sniffing handkerchief: 2 Tokens

- Having this in your inventory prevents you from gagging on others stink.

Two soulstones: 1 Token

- These artifacts will, when you CRUSH SOULSTONE, given you a double experience bonus to questing and bashing experience for 8 hours of logged in time.
- Soulstones purchased with Tokens of the Creator cannot be traded in for credits.

Steel Mallet: 2 Tokens

- Construct, assemble, and disassemble siege weapons 33% faster.

A Stone of Gender Switching: 3 Tokens

- CRUSH STONE to activate.
- Changes your gender to the opposite gender PERMANENTLY.
- The stone is destroyed. This is a one-time use artifact.

A synthesizing compound: 1 Token

- Command: COMBINE <vial one> TO <vial two>
- This item will take two artifact vials and combine them, creating a larger vial capable hold more sips. The item will keep the description and item number of the -second vial- in the command. This is a one-use item that is destroyed when two vials are combined. 
  Level 2: 125 sips
  Level 3: 150 sips
  Level 4: 175 sips
  Level 5: 200 sips
- You can probe artifact vials for current level information.
- Vials filled by a transcendent concoctionist will hold 10 more sips.
- Note on artifact trade-ins: Combined artifact vials will be traded in at their normal value. If you combine an artifact vial that can not normally be traded in, it will NOT increase the value of the vial. For example,  free vials earned from promotions or yeti pelts can be combined with normal artifact vials, but they will not increase the trade-in value of the vial. Probing an artifact vial will give you its level and trade-in value.

Tightly-Rolled Scroll: 15 Tokens

- When you switch professions, having this item in your inventory will allow you to relearn to your maximum skillrank in any of the profession's skills with simply one learning session.

A tiny paw-print badge: 3 Tokens

- Tired of being price-gouged by those selfish kennel and stable owners? Unable to retrieve your pets with many thousands of gold worth in fees? Get this special badge that will make it so that you don't ever have to pay gold to retrieve your pets from a stable or a kennel again.

Tokens A customisation token: 1 Token

- This token will allow you to customize one item for free. The normal rules as explained in HELP CUSTOMIZATION apply. To use your token, simply submit your customization. The system will use your token automatically instead of the 50 credits.

A twisted ring: 1 Token Hides your divorces in honours.

A Family token: 10 Tokens

- Found your own family name! The creation of new families is usually disabled, but with this special token, Jeremy will help you create your own, brand-new family. Please contact Jeremy to redeem this token.

A Free Item token: 3 Tokens

- This token can be redeemed for the creation of one custom, non-decaying, resetting item. The item cannot be functional in any way (so you can't, for example, make a really nice battleaxe that you forged permanent). You can use this token to create a special piece of furniture, a special piece of clothing, or a special roleplay item (like a scepter, or a musical instrument). Items made in this manner may hold artifact powers.
- To redeem this token once purchased, please e-mail jeremy@imperian.com and include the full description of your desired item. (PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CHARACTER NAME IN THE E-MAIL)

A language token: 2 Tokens

- This token can be used to learn any language, including the normally unavailable languages of Orcish, Xiur, Yeti, Minotaur, Fae, Asuwan, Schelkin, Vyurdrag, Sangfel, Caanaeian, and Gargoyle. To learn how to speak a language from a token, use LEARN HOW TO SPEAK <language> FROM <token>

A House Token: 25 Tokens

- This token will allow you to create a house in any normally accessible area in Imperian. Please message Jeremy with the room you wish to place the house in (and which direction), as well as the token number. 

NOTE: If you are adding to a house, we have a few guidelines. We CANNOT and WILL NOT add to a house with a token not in your name. The token has to be in the owner's name, and we can add rooms to an existing home. If you have a secondary token and it is in your "spouses" name, we will say no. The code does not allow this.

Artifact Pet Token: 30 Tokens

- This token can be redeemed for one custom pet.
- The pet can learn up to 8 of any Taming abilities.
- The pet cannot learn a combination of the Mount ability and an ability which allows you to instantly move to a target. Those combinations are reserved for auction pets only.
- The type of the animal must be a naturally-occurring beast. It cannot fly.
- **Please check with Jeremy before purchasing the token if you have any doubts that your pet choice might not be acceptable.
- Contact Jeremy after purchasing this token to have your pet created.

A Pet Training token: 10 Tokens

- This completely customisable one-stop training solution will allow you to customise your pet in a number of different ways. Read HELP PET TRAINING for more information about the actions and reactions you will be able to set on your pet. Please issue yourself to redeem this token.

Truesilver Mug: 1 Token

- This mug, when filled with a libations fluid, will never empty!

Truesilver Pike: 2 Tokens

- Heads piked upon this pike do not decay - the pike remains erected until its owner uses BECKON ARTIFACT <id>. Additionally, the description when piked includes your name for everyone to see!

A truesilver whistle: 10 Tokens

- This item cuts the amount of time you have to wait before being able to train a pet again by 33%, on average.

Vanity pets: 3 Tokens

- a dainty luna moth
- a narwhal floating in a bubble
- an adorable pink panda with a ribbon collar
- a sinuous iridescent sea serpent
- a bell-collared pronghorn antelope
- Note: Please read HELP VANITY PETS for how to play with your new friend.

a Vial of Perpetuity: 15 Tokens

- This vial will never run out of sips or applications, and nobody can force you to empty it.


- a vialbelt of mithril kegs - holds up to 8000 sips      [2 tokens]
- a vialbelt of crystehl kegs - holds up to 12000 sips    [5 tokens]
- a vialbelt of quicksilver kegs - holds up to 20000 sips [10 tokens]

Vorpal shards

- a tiny vorpal shard  [Double]    (2 Token)
- a small vorpal shard [Triple]    (5 Tokens)
- a vorpal shard       [Quadruple] (9 Tokens)
- a large vorpal shard [Quintuple] (14 Tokens)
- a huge vorpal shard  [Sextuple]  (20 Tokens)
- Increases rift capacity beyond the default amount by the amount specified. It is upgradable using the TOKEN UPGRADE <item#> [CONFIRM] syntax.  

Wheel Grease: 2 Tokens

- This powerful lubricant will allow you to move siege weapons 33% faster.

Not currently being offered



- an aqueous nix
- a despotic moloch
- a brumal mehteh
- A familiar is a companion that you can use for roleplaying purposes.  You can control its speech, movement as well as emotes. HELP FAMILIARS has more information about specific commands associated with them.

Spheres of the Gods

- These special items are an absolute must for any collector. While they serve no real purpose, you can SHAKE <globe> for some funny, sad, or just plain stupid roleplay emotes from the sphere. They may even share some hints about your future. There is one sphere for each God(dess) in Imperian, but you can only specify from which circle of knowledge you wish to purchase. A random God will be chosen for the subject of your sphere.
- You can trade spheres with your friends with the command SPHERE TRADE <sphere #> FOR <sphere #>. The tradee will have to AGREE to the trade. Using illusions or otherwise trying to scam people out of their spheres will, again, be unacceptable. Gotta collect 'em all!

Vanity Pets

- a snow white ermine
- a shiny green scarab beetle
- a miniature black mouse
- a tiny red bat
- a pretty pink piglet
- a tiny crocodile hatchling
- a fluffy white bunny
- a fuzzy penguin fledgling
- an inquisitive little joey
- a madcap gator hatchling
- a gangly golden cria
- These non-functional vanity pets have special, cute cosmetic messages for the following commands: drop, get, poke, giggle, eye, frown, boo, smile, laugh, prod, push, and turn. They also send random room emotes occasionally if they have been dropped on the ground.