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Telepathy - Sense
== Sense ==

Syntax: MIND SENSE <target>
  MIND SENSE <target>
With this ability, you are able to seek out the mind of another player, gaining knowledge of his
physical location.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Lock
Telepathy - Lock

With this ability, you are able to seek out the mind of another player, gaining knowledge of his physical location.
  MIND LOCK <target>
  MIND UNLOCK <target>

This is the ability that most of the Telepathic arts are focused around. It is the skill of breaking
== Lock ==
down the barriers of resistance in another person and locking your mind to his. The player must be
in the same area as you, for even your powerful mind has its limits.

The time it takes to gain a mind lock can vary -dramatically-. It is a base number of seconds, with
  MIND LOCK <target>
seconds added or subtracted depending on the level of your Telepathy vs. a target's Philosophy, and
  MIND UNLOCK <target>
the level of your maximum mana vs. the target's current mana.

If your target is deadened or has you allied, or if you have a mind print of the target or possess
This is the ability that most of the Telepathic arts are focused around. It is the skill of breaking down the barriers of resistance in another person and locking your mind to his. The player must be in the same area as you, for even your powerful mind has its limits.
an artifact Intellect Crown, the time required to obtain a mind lock will be decreased.

Once you have a lock, every 15 seconds, the locked mind automatically gets a chance to break the  
The time it takes to gain a mind lock can vary -dramatically-. It is a base number of seconds, with seconds added or subtracted depending on the level of your Telepathy vs. a target's Philosophy, and the level of your maximum mana vs. the target's current mana.
lock. The chance of breaking the lock is determined by a comparison of your current mana vs. the  
target's current mana, and your Telepathy level vs. the target's Philosophy level. If you have a  
If your target is deadened or has you allied, or if you have a mind print of the target or possess an artifact Intellect Crown, the time required to obtain a mind lock will be decreased.
mindprint of the target, the chance of breaking the lock will be affected by your maximum mana  
rather than your current mana.
Once you have a lock, every 15 seconds, the locked mind automatically gets a chance to break the lock. The chance of breaking the lock is determined by a comparison of your current mana vs. the target's current mana, and your Telepathy level vs. the target's Philosophy level. If you have a mindprint of the target, the chance of breaking the lock will be affected by your maximum mana rather than your current mana.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Dissolve
Telepathy - Dissolve
== Dissolve ==

This simply dissolves your mind lock with a player.
This simply dissolves your mind lock with a player.

Telepathy - Glance
== Glance ==

This allows you to look through the eyes of the player you have locked minds with.
This allows you to look through the eyes of the player you have locked minds with.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Telesense
Telepathy - Telesense

== Telesense ==
Due to your heightened telepathic awareness, you are able to, at the cost of a small mana drain, detect attempts to lock your mind as well as more effectively expel those who are able to obtain a telepathic lock on you.

Due to your heightened telepathic awareness, you are able to, at the cost of a small mana drain,
== Fear ==
detect attempts to lock your mind as well as more effectively expel those who are able to obtain a
telepathic lock on you.

Telepathy - Fear

With this ability, you are able to throw the mind of a locked player into a state of irrational fear.
With this ability, you are able to throw the mind of a locked player into a state of irrational fear.

This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Throw
Telepathy - Throw

Syntax: MIND THROW <direction>
== Throw ==
As you learn to better control the mind of a locked player, you gain some control over their actions.
This is the first of them. You are able to make the player's mind try to walk its body in the  
  MIND THROW <direction>
direction of your choice.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Numbness
As you learn to better control the mind of a locked player, you gain some control over their actions. This is the first of them. You are able to make the player's mind try to walk its body in the direction of your choice.
Telepathy - Numbness
== Numbness ==


This ability temporarily rewires the mind of a locked player, preventing the player from touching  
This ability temporarily rewires the mind of a locked player, preventing the player from touching tattoos and using delayed instakills.
tattoos and using delayed instakills.

This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Terror
Telepathy - Terror

== Terror ==
Having gained more knowledge of the Telepathic discipline, you are able to throw your target into a  
state of pure terror..far greater than simple fear. The player will drop whatever he is doing and  
run screaming in terror.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Confuse
Having gained more knowledge of the Telepathic discipline, you are able to throw your target into a state of pure terror..far greater than simple fear. The player will drop whatever he is doing and run screaming in terror.
Telepathy - Confuse
== Confuse ==

By directing a powerful pulse of telepathic energy into the mind of a locked player, you are able to short-circuit his mental processes, causing him to become confused when doing certain common actions.
By directing a powerful pulse of telepathic energy into the mind of a locked player, you are able to  
short-circuit his mental processes, causing him to become confused when doing certain common actions.

This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Suffuse
Telepathy - Suffuse

== Suffuse ==
Not all of the Telepathic arts are concerned with harming your target. This is one that is not. What  
it does is take some of your considerable mental strength and give it to the player you have mind  
locked, albeit with some loss due to the energy it takes to transfer the mana over the telepathic  
Not all of the Telepathic arts are concerned with harming your target. This is one that is not. What it does is take some of your considerable mental strength and give it to the player you have mind locked, albeit with some loss due to the energy it takes to transfer the mana over the telepathic link.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Drain
Telepathy - Drain
== Drain ==

Almost the reverse of Suffuse, this drains mental strength from your target and bestows it upon you.
Almost the reverse of Suffuse, this drains mental strength from your target and bestows it upon you.

Telepathy - Listen
== Listen ==
You are now able to direct audio sensory input to the mindlocked player over the telepathic link to you. UNWATCH will stop this ability as will doing most actions. Note that due to the ongoing effort required to maintain this ability, there is a constant loss of mental strength.

== Divine ==
You are now able to direct audio sensory input to the mindlocked player over the telepathic link to
you. UNWATCH will stop this ability as will doing most actions. Note that due to the ongoing effort
required to maintain this ability, there is a constant loss of mental strength.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Divine
Telepathy - Divine

Having gained a certain level of competence in the art of Telepathy, you can now gain exact knowledge of the physical and mental state of a player you have locked minds with.
Having gained a certain level of competence in the art of Telepathy, you can now gain exact  
knowledge of the physical and mental state of a player you have locked minds with.

This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Fullsense
Telepathy - Fullsense

== Fullsense ==
By sending out an invisible telepathic web, you can detect all minds within your local area.
By sending out an invisible telepathic web, you can detect all minds within your local area.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Isolate
Telepathy - Isolate

== Isolate ==
This will isolate a mind locked player from all communication coming to him from outside his  
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Link
Telepathy - Link
This will isolate a mind locked player from all communication coming to him from outside his location.
== Link ==
  LINK <target>
By opening up a one-way channel to another telepath, you are able to lend him some of your mental strength, allowing him to perform abilities that would not otherwise be possible, due to the incredible strength of mind needed.

Syntax: LINK <target>
== Psycombat ==
By opening up a one-way channel to another telepath, you are able to lend him some of your mental
strength, allowing him to perform abilities that would not otherwise be possible, due to the
incredible strength of mind needed.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy PsyCombat
Telepathy - Psycombat

Psychic combat is initiated by challenge. A player challenges another player (PSYCHALLENGE <PLAYER>).
Psychic combat is initiated by challenge. A player challenges another player (PSYCHALLENGE <PLAYER>). The other player has 60 seconds to respond with PSYACCEPT <PLAYER> or the challenge will run out. Immediately after a player accepts a challenge, the players will be transported to separate rooms. There are only four commands associated with psychic combat that may be used in these rooms, and most normal commands will not work. The psychic combat commands are
The other player has 60 seconds to respond with PSYACCEPT <PLAYER> or the challenge will run out.  
Immediately after a player accepts a challenge, the players will be transported to separate rooms.  
There are only four commands associated with psychic combat that may be used in these rooms, and  
most normal commands will not work. The psychic combat commands are
        Using your mental powers, you blast out at your opponent, attacking
        his mana.
Using your mental powers, you blast out at your opponent, attacking his mana.
        At the expense of some mana, this protects you against Psy Blast.
At the expense of some mana, this protects you against Psy Blast.
        You lash out with your psychic powers to tear away your opponent's
        Psychic Barrier.
You lash out with your psychic powers to tear away your opponent's Psychic Barrier.
        This will end the battle, if successful. It takes a great deal of
        your mana, but if your opponent is on less than half, you will be
This will end the battle, if successful. It takes a great deal of your mana, but if your opponent is on less than half, you will be the victor.
        the victor.
Type MORE to continue reading. (73% shown)       
You use some mental energy to discover your opponent's mana level.
You use some mental energy to discover your opponent's mana level.
        This allows you to regain mana, albeit slowly.
This allows you to regain mana, albeit slowly.
        This takes a long time to work, during which you may not do
        anything else. After the time is up, exits will open from the
        psychic combat rooms, affording you escape.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Disrupt
Telepathy - Disrupt

This takes a long time to work, during which you may not do anything else. After the time is up, exits will open from the psychic combat rooms, affording you escape.
== Disrupt ==
With this ability, you may destroy the equilibrium of your targetted player.
With this ability, you may destroy the equilibrium of your targetted player.
Telepathy - Mindsense

== Mindsense ==
When a telepath temporarily loses his telepathic abilities due to psychic combat, he radiates a  
great pain of loss. This ability seeks out those with that pain and tells you who they are.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Transfer
Telepathy - Transfer
When a telepath temporarily loses his telepathic abilities due to psychic combat, he radiates a great pain of loss. This ability seeks out those with that pain and tells you who they are.
== Transfer ==
  MIND TRANSFER <telepath>

Syntax: MIND TRANSFER <telepath>
Using this ability will allow you to transfer a mind lock to another telepath. The target telepath must be in the same area as you, for this is a delicate operation.
Using this ability will allow you to transfer a mind lock to another telepath. The target telepath  
must be in the same area as you, for this is a delicate operation.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Epilepsy
Mass down.
def- density.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniar
Telepathy - Epilepsy

== Epilepsy ==
By short-circuiting some of the nervous system of your locked player, you are able to cause periodic  
spasms in him, causing him to be unable to do many things while spasming.
By short-circuiting some of the nervous system of your locked player, you are able to cause periodic spasms in him, causing him to be unable to do many things while spasming.

This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniar
Autocuring: apply mass
Applied mass.
Mass up.
def+ density.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniar
Salve balance.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Pacify
Telepathy - Pacify

== Pacify ==
By drawing a soft cloak of telepathic power over the mind of a locked player, you are able to make  
offensive actions abhorrent to him. This will last for a short, random amount of time, or until an  
offensive act is directed at him.
By drawing a soft cloak of telepathic power over the mind of a locked player, you are able to make offensive actions abhorrent to him. This will last for a short, random amount of time, or until an offensive act is directed at him.

This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Empathy
Telepathy - Empathy

== Empathy ==
This ability will channel much damage done to a locked player over the telepathic link to you. Be  
careful with it though, for it is possible to die if too much damage is inflicted upon you via the  
telepathic link. This ability costs a regular drain of mental power.
This ability will channel much damage done to a locked player over the telepathic link to you. Be careful with it though, for it is possible to die if too much damage is inflicted upon you via the telepathic link. This ability costs a regular drain of mental power.
== Stupidity ==

Telepathy - Stupidity

By casting a net of psychic energy over your opponent's mind, you will cause his mind to occasionally misfire and do something entirely different from what was intended.
By casting a net of psychic energy over your opponent's mind, you will cause his mind to  
occassionally misfire and do something entirely different from what was intended.

This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Command
Telepathy - Command

Syntax: MIND COMMAND <command>
== Command ==
  MIND COMMAND <command>

You have gained sufficient knowledge of the workings of the mind to caress it into doing exactly  
You have gained sufficient knowledge of the workings of the mind to caress it into doing exactly what you wish.
what you wish.

This ability cannot be used off-balance.
This ability cannot be used off-balance.

575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Mindcloak
== Mindcloak ==
Telepathy - Mindcloak


This ability will allow you to, at a regular drain of mental power, attempt mind locks that will be  
This ability will allow you to, at a regular drain of mental power, attempt mind locks that will be harder to detect than normal. It will go undetected by players who are using Telesense, for instance. In addition, this defense will also aid you in maintaining a telepathic lock once you have obtained one.
harder to detect than normal. It will go undetected by players who are using Telesense, for instance.
In addition, this defense will also aid you in maintaining a telepathic lock once you have obtained  
== Hallucinate ==
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Hallucinate
Telepathy - Hallucinate

Syntax: MIND HALLUCINATE <target>
You are able to instill wild hallucinations into the mind of your target.
You are able to instill wild hallucinations into the mind of your target.

This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Hypersense
Telepathy - Hypersense

== Hypersense ==

You are now able to cast a net of telepathic power over the local area. Like a spider at the centre  
You are now able to cast a net of telepathic power over the local area. Like a spider at the centre of his web, any attempts at telepathic locking within your net will vibrate the invisible strands of mental power and alert you to attempt.
of his web, any attempts at telepathic locking within your net will vibrate the invisible strands of  
mental power and alert you to attempt.

This defense will also aid you in breaking telepathic locks placed on your mind by others.
This defense will also aid you in breaking telepathic locks placed on your mind by others.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Amnesia
Telepathy - Amnesia

== Amnesia ==
A simple-sounding, though extremely effective ability, this allows you to cause short-term amnesia  
in your locked player. He will simply fail to execute the next action he attempts, as he will forget  
what he is doing before he manages to do it.
A simple-sounding, though extremely effective ability, this allows you to cause short-term amnesia in your locked player. He will simply fail to execute the next action he attempts, as he will forget what he is doing before he manages to do it.

This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.
This ability may be used after a Taekate combination.

Telepathy - Barrier
== Barrier ==
  MIND BARRIER <target>
This ability will give your target a defence that will protect him/her against most sources of damage for a limited time.
== Scan ==

Syntax: MIND BARRIER <target>

This ability will give your target a defence that will protect him/her against most sources of
An improvement on Divine, this will allow you to see considerably more information about the locked player.
damage for a limited time.
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Scan
Telepathy - Scan

== Deadening ==
An improvement on Divine, this will allow you to see considerably more information about the locked
575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab telepathy Deadening
Telepathy - Deadening