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Brief discussion on how affliction "pools" interact with cures (http://forums.imperian.com/discussion/comment/30347/#Comment_30347):
Asker:  "Why is laurel curing hellsight first when madness is priority 1 for me"?
Wysrias:  "Your priorities don't determine what affliction is actually cured. Laurel can cure both madness and hellsight, and hellsight is not a madness affliction, so both can be cured by that action".
Asker:  "So basically it was a 50/50 shot at hellsight/madness"?
Wysrias:  "Yep, and that's the case for nearly all afflictions that share the same curing pool. Priorities are important for selecting the right cure, not necessarily curing the right affliction. You don't want to waste your herb balance curing something mediocre like, say, agoraphobia, when that orphine you just chugged would have been much more useful as maidenhair to cure off that paralysis.
Curing pools are the fundamental concept behind things like herb affliction stacking - you have an affliction that you want 'buried' (let's say, asthma or hemotoxin), and then you stack additional afflictions (clumsiness, weariness, butisol for the kelp pool) to lower their chances of curing the affliction you want to stick around.
As a side note, this is one of the major sources of complexity in affliction tracking - you have to make a lot of 'educated guesses' about what afflictions are actually being cured off of your target, and rely on a combination of context clues (they ate kelp and immediately smoked a pipe - bet they cured asthma) and sheer luck to be as accurate as possible".
===Cure Table===
===Cure Table===