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Nestled deep in the Eastern Celidon, the Waelin Bog has long been filled with the runoff from the nearby Waelin River. The once clean water has become stagnant and mucky. Rumors of giant mosquitoes, fierce alligators, and even worse have long circulated throughout Aetherius, though the foliage of the Celidon and a dam has kept the dark bog hidden from most.
Nestled deep in the Eastern Celidon, the Waelin Bog has long been filled with the runoff from the nearby Waelin River. The once clean water has become stagnant and mucky. Rumors of giant mosquitoes, fierce alligators, and even worse have long circulated throughout Aetherius, though the foliage of the Celidon and a dam has kept the dark bog hidden from most.

Recently, researchers interested in both the spiritual and magickal properties of the animals within the bog have begun to study the creatures in the bog, and there are rumors of rewards for those brave enough to seek it out.
Recently, researchers interested in both the spiritual and magickal properties of the animals within the bog have begun to study the creatures in the bog, and there are rumors of rewards for those brave enough to seek it out.

== Important NPCs ==
==Notable Denizens==
*[[Sadril, the Sage]]
* Sadril, the Sage at Outside of a lean-to in the bog
*[[Zarathu, the researcher]]
* Zarathu, the researcher at Approaching a shack

== Mobs ==
*[[a giant mosquito]]
*[[a diseased racoon]]
* a giant mosquito
*[[a red-bellied bog snake]]
* a diseased racoon
*[[a rabid buck]]
* a red-bellied bog snake
*[[a fierce alligator]]
* a rabid buck
*[[a bog turtle]]
* a fierce alligator
* a bog turtle
* a bog duck
* a colourful swamp bird
95% of this area is accessible as of Vita 157 AM.
This area has the following terrain types:
* Swamp
* Tainted Water
* a strip of bark marked with a turtle
* a pinch of saltpetre
* a peridot coin stone
* a strip of bark marked with a duck
* a strip of bark marked with a gator
* a crumbling stone wall
* a strip of bark marked with a snake
==Places of Interest==
==Adjacent Areas==
* [[Waelin river]]
* [[Northern Celidon]]
