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The Dardanic Grasslands are a large, empty, flat prairie running from the west
coast to the east coast, in the narrowest part of the continent. They lie north
of the Vardarian Hills and South of the Reate Forest.
==Notable Denizens==
* Arsentar the sheepherder at On the open prairie
* Cryun Jh'taera, a Lamiran hunter at On the Dardanic plains
* Shaman Cymirnai at A patch of tall grass
* a massive chocolate-coloured draught horse
* a fluffy white sheep
* a young sheep
* a dirty-white ram
* a hypnotized silent ghoul
* a bald eagle
* a brawny Dardanic stallion
* a sleek black stallion
* a wandering soul
* a white-footed sable ferret
* a sturdy Dardanic mare
* a shaggy buffalo
* an ethereal mist spider
* a dwarven miner
* a sinewy mottled cheetah
* a flinty-eyed norrjin woman
* a robust orc female
* a bundle of straw
* a small glass jar
==Adjacent Areas==
* [[Blighted Hollow]]
* [[Vardarian Highlands]]
* [[Adram Valley]]
* [[Reate Forest]]
* [[Rayatem Hills]]