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* '''Droszus the Combustible Brawler''' - A gladiator of the Core, this proud scorched stands head and shoulders above his brethren. Most of his body is obscured by well cared for, ornate armour that has been blackened from the heat and soot of his homeland. The metal of his armour shifts eerily in colouration from the molten veining coursing over his dark hide.
* '''Droszus the Combustible Brawler''' - A gladiator of the Core, this proud scorched stands head and shoulders above his brethren. Most of his body is obscured by well cared for, ornate armour that has been blackened from the heat and soot of his homeland. The metal of his armour shifts eerily in colouration from the molten veining coursing over his dark hide.
*'''Drusilla the Mother''' - This rather large scorched stands nearly seven feet in height, making her massive body rather imposing to those of the smaller races. The molten flesh that keeps her body together is in a constant state of turmoil, as it cracks and sparks to life with each breath. Blackened crystehl armour clads most of her body, leaving the flame resistant clothing fairly hard to make out. Her breastplate is carefully etched with intricate designs from the magma pits, most of their meanings unknown to the world. Golden hair streaked with crimson and sapphire is pulled into a tight pony tail, her tresses cascading down to her lower back. Beads and strips of metal are twisted into her locks, a sign of high rank amongst her people. Clasped within her grip is a morning star, its long shaft crafted from pure metal, which burns from the touch of her flesh. The ball that tips the weapon is nearly two feet in diameter, its spikes protruding a good four to five inches from the fiery metal.

* '''the Scorched Historian Idris''' - Standing nearly six feet in height, this scorched woman is dressed in a fine black robe. Her garments have been crafted from a strange and durable fabric, allowing them to withstand the fire that consumes them. Magma weaves through her burnt and charred flesh, creating her very life-force. Short, bright-golden hair fans out in several directions atop her head, the tips dyed with crimson and sapphire, granting the visage of dancing flames. Vibrant blue eyes peer out from her fiery features, as plump red lips curl into a near constant smile.
* '''the Scorched Historian Idris''' - Standing nearly six feet in height, this scorched woman is dressed in a fine black robe. Her garments have been crafted from a strange and durable fabric, allowing them to withstand the fire that consumes them. Magma weaves through her burnt and charred flesh, creating her very life-force. Short, bright-golden hair fans out in several directions atop her head, the tips dyed with crimson and sapphire, granting the visage of dancing flames. Vibrant blue eyes peer out from her fiery features, as plump red lips curl into a near constant smile.