Difference between revisions of "User:Roven/Thespia"

7,981 bytes added ,  04:16, 12 May 2013
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  very casual observers will see that person, instead of you.
  very casual observers will see that person, instead of you.
| '''Therapeutics''' || Let the peaceful tones of a mandolin cure what ails you. || Novice || 33% || Mandolin || Targets ally, periodically cures an affliction
| '''Therapeutics''' || Let the peaceful tones of a mandolin cure what ails you. || Novice || 33% || Mandolin || Targets ally, periodically cures an [[Afflictions|affliction]]
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  Make it impossible for others to follow you.
  Make it impossible for others to follow you.
| '''Feign''' || Create realistic illusions. || Apprentice || 33% || - || Creates an illusion seen by others in your room
| '''Feign''' || Create realistic illusions. || Apprentice || 33% || - || Creates an [[Illusions|illusion]] seen by others in your room
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  The Song of Corescation will temporarily increase the intelligence of the one that it is bound to.
  The Song of Corescation will temporarily increase the intelligence of the one that it is bound to.
|'''Befuddle''' || Confuse your enemy, make yourself harder to hit! || Skilled || 66% || - || Defence, ?
Befuddle           Confuse your enemy, make yourself harder to hit!
Juggling           Astound your friends! Dazzle your foes!
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
Empower             A song to increase physical strength.
Requiem             Pay homage to the dead through your music.
While weaving a befuddling and confusing dance, you can make yourself more difficult to hit.
Serendipity         Play multiple instruments at once.
Circles             Specialize in the Bardic Arts.
|'''Juggling''' || Astound your friends! Dazzle your foes! || Gifted || 0% || - || Allows juggled items to be thrown with reduced balance cost
Earthquake         Cause the very ground to obey the power of music.
Enliven             A song to increase one's speed of movement.
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
Bedazzlement       Bedazzle your foes with your hypnotic dance.
Songbird           Summon a loyal companion to accompany you.
''  JUGGLE <item>''
Awakening           Stave off sleep.
Waymark             Step across great distances with a simple song.
Geis               Reuse your offensive songs.
You may juggle up to two items at once, or three if you have reached Transcendent Thespia. Once you
Fortify             A song to increase one's constitution.
are juggling, you may throw the items you're juggling at a greatly decreased cost in balance.
Assumption         Assume the form of anyone you study.
JUGGLED will show you what, if anything, you are juggling.
Battlemarch         The adrenaline of battle prevents fear.
Feignwalk           The master of disguise.
|'''Empower''' || A song to increase physical strength. || Gifted || 33% || Drum || Targets ally, increases [[Strength]] while song is active
Lamia               Force hostile creatures to defend you.
Cruellament        A true manifestation of the power of music.
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Syntax: SING EMPOWER <target>/ME''
''Requires: Playing a drum''
The Song of Empowerment will temporarily increase the target's strength.
|'''Requiem''' || Pay homage to the dead through your music. || Gifted || 66% || Panpipes || Targets ally, gives health and song duration bonus whenever they kill an NPC
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Syntax: SING REQUIEM <target>/ME''
''Requires: Playing a set of panpipes''
The Requiem of Souls will allow you to draw health from the corpses of players you have slain. The
amount of health that will be restored to you automatically upon the death of your target will be
dependent on how many songs are affecting your target at the time of his/her death.
Additionally, the Requiem will increase the length of all songs bound to yourself whenever you slay
a creature.
|'''Serendipity''' || Play multiple instruments at once. || Expert || 0% || - || Passive ability, allows playing two instruments at once
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
Your skill at playing instruments is such that you can now play two instruments at once.
|'''Circles''' || Specialize in the Bardic Arts. || Expert || 0% || - || Once every two Imperian years, select a passive benefit from specialisation.
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Usage CHOOSE CIRCLE <circle>''
There are six different circles you may select from. You may choose a new circle after 24 months.
Authors can use sketch abilities 20% faster.
Artists will enjoy crafting 20% faster than other bards.
Dancers will recieve an additional 50% bonus to befuddle.
Musician's songs will last 10% longer.
Singers will resonate better with the primordial notes, transferring the effect at a higher speed.
Actors can TRUEFEIGN anyone they are currently mimicing. This has a significant mana, willpower and
endurace drain. For example, if you are mimicing Baar and do TRUEFEIGN KICK JANUS, it would look as
if Baar has kicked Janus, when in fact you have.
|'''Earthquake''' || Cause the very ground to obey the power of music. || Expert || 33% || Drum and panpipes || Targets room, knocks players to the ground and crumbles stonewalls
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Requires: Playing an oaken drum and a set of panpipes''
This song will cause the very earth itself of the room you are in to shake and tremble, causing
anyone in it to fall and stonewalls to crumble to the ground.
|'''Enliven''' || A song to increase one's speed of movement. || Expert || 66% || Flute || Targets ally, increases [[Dexterity]] while song is active
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Syntax: SING ENLIVEN <target>/ME''
''Requires: Playing a flute''
The Song of Enlivenment will temporarily increase the target's dexterity.
|'''Bedazzlement''' || Bedazzle your foes with your hypnotic dance. || Virtuoso || 0% || Flute and mandolin || Targets enemy, ?
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Syntax: SING BEDAZZLEMENT <target>''
''Requires: Playing a flute and a mandolin''
This dazzling song will cause your target to be afflicted with a variety of afflictions which will
hamper movement.
|'''Songbird''' || Summon a loyal companion to accompany you. || Virtuoso || 33% || - || Summons a pet that periodically restores health or mana to an ally
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''        SONGBIRD SING <person>/ME''
You may summon a loyal songbird to you, which, when singing to a specific person, will provide a
variety of beneficial effects.
|'''Awakening''' || Stave off sleep. || Virtuoso || 66% || Drum and flute || Targets ally or room, ?
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Syntax: SING AWAKENING <target>/ME''
''        SING AWAKENING''
''Requires: Playing a drum and a flute''
This rousing song will prevent you from going to sleep for very long, and also has the potential to
cause the very earth itself to give up ancient secrets.
|'''Waymark''' || Step across great distances with a simple song. || Fabled || 0% || Harp || Mark up to 5 rooms to which you can then teleport
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Syntax: LAY WAYMARK''
''        MARKS''
''        MARKS HERE''
''        PURGE WAYMARK''
''        SING WAYMARK <mark #>''
''Requires: Playing a harp''
You have the ability to lay your mark upon five different rooms, which you can then use the music of
your harp to travel to at any given moment. MARKS will show you which marks you currently have, and
PURGE WAYMARK will allow you to purge an existing waymark in the room.
|'''Geis''' || Reuse your offensive songs. || Fabled || 33% || Flute and harp || Targets room, ?
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Syntax: SING GEIS''
''Requires: playing a flute and a harp''
The Geis is a powerful song bound to a room. Normally, if an individual dies, any offensive songs
bound to him or her are lost. If a Geis exists in the room, however, it is capable of capturing
these songs before they can be lost.
Once the songs have been captured, the Bard can instantly bind them to another target by using any
Voice attack against that target.
The Geis can capture multiple songs of the same type, and it can even capture songs sung by others.
The following songs can be captured by the Geis: Revelation, Dissonance, Lullaby, Bedazzlement.
|'''Fortify''' || A song to increase one's constitution. || Fabled || 66% || Drum and mandolin || Targets ally, increases [[Constitution]] while the song is active
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Syntax: SING FORTIFY <target>/ME''
''Requires: Playing a drum and a mandolin''
The Song of Fortification will temporarily increase the target's constitution.
|'''Assumption''' || Assume the form of anyone you study. || Mythical || 0% || - || Passive ability, ?
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
Your skill in Thespia is such that when observed more carefully, most people will see you as the
person you are mimicking.
|'''Battlemarch''' || The adrenaline of battle prevents fear. || Mythical || 25% || Panpipes || Targets ally, ?
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Syntax: SING BATTLEMARCH <target>/ME''
''Requires: Playing a set of panpipes''
This song will prevent its target from feeling most fear related affects, as well as prevent them
from rushing heedlessly into battle.
|'''Feignwalk''' || The master of disguise. || Mythical || 50% || - || Defence, ?
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Usage: FEIGNWALK <on|off>''
If you are mimicing another player, you will appear as this person while moving. Beware of the high
endurance drain.
|'''Lamia''' || Force hostile creatures to defend you. || Mythical || 75% || Flute || Targets all loyal creatures attacking the bard, turns them hostile against their controllers
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Requires: Playing a flute''
This song will periodically cause any loyal creatures in the room that the song is sung in that are
attacking the singer of this song to begin to attack their owner, instead.
|'''CruelLament''' || A true manifestation of the power of music. || Transcendent || - || - || Targets enemy, ?
| colspan="6" style="display:none;" |
''Syntax: SING CRUEL LAMENT <target>''
''Requires: playing a harp''
The Cruel Lament is a very powerful song. Once your voice is resonating with the power of any of the
three primordial notes, you are able to sing the song of the Cruel Lament at your current target.
This will have two effects: the target's resonance with the -other- two notes will be increased at a
halved rate, and the target will become much more suspectible to Voice damage. The Shaite and Rubait
power words will inflict more damage, based on how many afflictions from the Nuarinyu, Innyo, and
Kiyan power words the target is suffering with.
The duration of this effect depends on how well the target is resonating with the chosen primordial
