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[[Category:Guilds of Ithaqua]]
[[Category:Guilds of Ithaqua]]
                        [GUILD LEADERS]
            The Feyn-al-Dracar: Aiushta
                  Secretaries: Airamaya
          Council Affiliation: Ithaqua
            Guild Professions: Predator
In the year 435 AD, surviving Phantoms, once believed to have been slain in the
infamous Night of Sabotage, re-emerged in the frozen wastes of the Gyanis
snowfield as the Idras. Over the next 100 years they lived as mercenaries,
trading their abilities in death-dealing for coin while carrying out a personal
war against the Saboteurs who wronged them so long ago.
Unfortunately, changes in the political structure of the realm gradually phased
out the practicality of a guild of killers for hire. This, coupled with the easy
access to assassination contracts for any who seek it led to a period of
stagnation in the guild. In 543 AD the sitting Feyn-al-Dracar, with the aide of
the Idrasi Council, came together and brought forth sweeping changes to the
guild, dedicating the Idrasi to the defense of Ithaqua as a formal military
These soldiers of the north use their skills in the complex art of Knifeplay to
bring an agonizing death to those who would threaten their home while their
abilities in Predation help them to survive in climates that would kill lesser
men and offer a few interesting alternatives to dispatching a foe. Their skill
in beastmastery allows them to subjugate the wilds to their whims, harnessing
the talents of nature through the cooperation granted to a true beastmaster.