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{{AbilityBox | AbilityName=Black Powder
{{AbilityBox | AbilityName=Black Powder
| AbilitySyntax=
| AbilitySyntax=FASHION <1-10> BLACKPOWDER
| AbilityDescription=
| AbilityDescription=This is a powerful commodity used in many items. It can only be created by grinding equal amounts of sulphur, saltpetre and charcoal together. Be warned! This is a dangerous process. Many scientists have died when rushing their work.
| AbilityDetails=
Gathering the items needed to create blackpowder can be a difficult process. As such, some direction has been provided on how to acquire these products.
The Yhumara volcano shoots up ash and sulphur crystals, which can be found scattered across the nearby isles.
This product will burn from wood fires. While hunters, wardens and amazons have specific special skills to make fires, you can also create a simple fire to generate you own charcoal. The commands BUILD FIRE and STOKE FIRE will allow you to do so. The more wood a fire has in it, the faster it will produce charcoal.
Produced naturally from decaying waste, this product can be found in a variety of ways. Swamp and jungle areas will sometimes create it on their own, as will exterminated room. To create it in a more controlled manner, one can CREATE COMPOST HEAP. This will require at least 10 items of food, plants or dead animal matter in the room to create. As time passes saltpetre will slowly form. You can easily add to a compost heap by dropping more items in the room with the heap, which will slowly absorb them. The larger a heap, the faster it will produce. You can LIGHT HEAP to burn away the compost heap. This will result in the heap being destroyed when it can no longer produce anything.
| AbilityDetails='''Commodities:''' 1 sulphur, 1 saltpetre, 1 charcoal
| AbilityChangelog=
| AbilityChangelog=