Honours Quest

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An honours quest is a quest where, once completed, provides an additional honours line to a player when viewing their QHONOURS. The quests are usually complex, sometimes involving multiple areas, and almost always involve talking with multiple denizens, multiple items, and more than one sub-quest.

A partial list of known honours quests. Quests are listed alphabetically and with the male version of the honours line.

  • Battling against his mighty army, he landed the blow that slew Slythera, General of the Demon Army.
  • He aided the Hawkmaster of Agirni Hold.
  • He assisted Hvost in slaying the great void beast.
  • He assisted in bringing Haag, the Swamp Witch to her demise.
  • He assisted in slaying Krugtha, an orc necromancer, in the year 597 AD.
  • He assisted Lesphyres' ritual to grant protection to Ssar-ithra.
  • He bested Yagduth, dodging the Orc Captain's skillfull use of his vicious weapon.
  • He blunted the invasion of Skegdald by killing Gromgar Kaark'Goron, the Glutton.
  • He brought freedom to Karbine and the patients in the Tua'ris insane asylum.
  • He brought the Duchy to their knees upon slaying the Pompous Mayor.
  • He casted a chilling calm over the Desert by slaying the Father of the Oasis.
  • He deciphered the tablets of Brekknit, furthering its historical knowledge.
  • He destroyed the very roots of the Leechwood by slaying the Twisted Dryad.
  • He disposed of Bloot's insectoid minions and brought an end to the disgusting, pink globe of flesh.
  • He dropped the floor out from under the feet of Khakgugh, the Orc General.
  • He finished the wraith lord, Irqua the exterminator.
  • He fought admirably in the Year of Nightmares, helping to vanquish eight vilebanes.
  • He fought valiantly and prevented an ancient demonic army from overrunning Aetherius.
  • He found the lost bandit's treasure.
  • He has aided Laytrun in thwarting the rogue Taekyon and recovered the forbidden scroll.
  • He has aided Nukrae in seeking his revenge.
  • He has assassinated the wraith lord, Reurr the surgeon.
  • He has assisted Demitri in trading successfully throughout the townes of Ithaqua.
  • He has assisted Gordul in bringing down Nagmara.
  • He has avenged the murdered Dunain.
  • He has been accepted by the Core and passed his initiation within the Vents.
  • He has been marked a Traveler of Townes.
  • He has bound the three great elementals from Kasieta's laboratory back to the earth.
  • He has braved the perilous mists of Al'drym Woods and vanquished no less than 300 demons.
  • He has braved the perilous mists of Al'drym Woods and vanquished no less than 300 trolls.
  • He has calmed the spirits of Velin and brought repose to the people of the village.
  • He has chosen the path of Knowledge within the Vents.
  • He has cleansed the Baneward Keep from tainted Magicks.
  • He has collected reflections for Eloweth's memories.
  • He has collected reflections for Malkav's memory.
  • He has collected reflections for the Legion's memories.
  • He has crushed the competition and won a weekly experience challenge.
  • He has defeated the Nindzar, the Abominable.
  • He has delivered a lot of bones to Shade.
  • He has delivered a lot of bones to Tomas.
  • He has destroyed the Slitherer.
  • He has destroyed the wraith, Barsul.
  • He has discovered the cursed treasure of the ruined temple.
  • He has driven back the demonic mists of Al'drym Woods and revived the powers of the sacred sage guardians.
  • He has earned the boon from the hidden temple of the ancient Cult of Avasyu.
  • He has ended the life of Wyr, the White.
  • He has executed the wraith lord, Thur the exile.
  • He has fed Gamila Kw'aad both a pitcher of freshly 'milked' blood and her drunken Uncle Blandus, effectively satiating her for now.
  • He has finished the wraith lord, Kod the unfortunate.
  • He has foiled the attempts of the Saboteur to destroy Ithaqua.
  • He has found and killed the wraith lord, Thurur the wayward.
  • He has found grace and favour with the ancient guardians of Old Town.
  • He has freed the three great elementals from Kasieta's laboratory.
  • He has gained passage to the Heart of Eternal Winter.
  • He has gained the favour of the Clans of Aherindale, and thus earned the gratitude of the hamlet.
  • He has held the title of Aetherius Best Drinker against Nimor.
  • He has helped purge the taint from Eor'gahl Encampment.
  • He has killed Druk, the Silent.
  • He has killed the mighty wraith lord, Deradril the vicious.
  • He has killed the wraith lord, Rynar the shadow.
  • He has overpowered the terrifying form of Yunna.
  • He has purified the Bloodstone Altar.
  • He has rescued nineteen children from their doom.
  • He has restored the legendary Demonsbane of Old Town.
  • He has reunited the sisters of the Mourning Isles.
  • He has saved the Spirits of Ithaqua's Heroes.
  • He has slain Lakhild the Dread for the people of Khous.
  • He has slain Lorna, the elder gorgon, avoiding her stony stare.
  • He has slain Nakshatra, the undead hydra.
  • He has slain the Frost Ogre Shaman, Madrene.
  • He has slain the horde of the Riksha Hills.
  • He has slain the mighty Boldad, the Render.
  • He has slain the pumpkin king.
  • He has slain the strigoi Rinrr, the Shade.
  • He has slain the Unknown Entity.
  • He has slain the wraith lord, Emat the shattered.
  • He has slaughtered the leader of the centaurian sages and aided the wicked dryad in her endeavors to further corrupt the creatures of Al'drym Woods.
  • He has slaughtered the wraith lord, Itort the lich slayer.
  • He has spread the Magick arts throughout the Baneward Keep.
  • He has successfully aided Murin in cracking the Sodiuar cavern floor.
  • He has summoned a great plague of the Rashirmir.
  • He has survived and slain the wraith lord, Shayor the burning.
  • He has taken on the tasks of the Kohdon Hermit in Nysara Lake.
  • He has tested the massive mace of Hrutchik, the undead troll, and emerged triumphant.
  • He has won the Champion Hunting Kill Streak one time.
  • He has won the monthly rankings challenge one time.
  • He helped Amergeial care for the animals of Celidon.
  • He helped lay siege to the outpost of Orc Commander Oorugleg, bringing an end to the Triad War against the Horde.
  • He helped Merriwether collect her crazy clockwork contraptions.
  • He is a proven friend to Falia and Hibagon.
  • He is an accomplished designer of clockwork contraptions.
  • He is an ally to the World Core.
  • He is an honourary member of the Society of Cekui.
  • He prevailed against Utoxor, the mighty Ice Demon.
  • He raised Nehor from the dead.
  • He sealed Death's Door.
  • He sent trembles through the mountain upon bringing an end to the Empire's Queen.
  • He shook the very walls of the Phoenix's Crest by bringing an end to the Mad Hunter.
  • He slew Silantor to close Death's Door.
  • He survived the gullet of Nysashgar, the Mythical Ouroboros.
  • He survived the possession of Vilzingyr and vanquished the powerful Skinwalker.
  • He vanquished the Priestess of the Mother from the Frozen Pines.
  • He vanquished the tormented spirit of the Great Prophet.
  • He was chosen by his peers to become the first sacrificial Champion of Mortalkind.
  • He was not intimidated by Leera, having vanquished her and her tangle of snake hair.
  • He was the tip of the spear in resisting the Eastern Horde's invasion of Skegdald.
  • He was victorious in two duels during the Etherstorm Battles of 470 AD.
  • He worked with Alexis to thwart Morvere's plans by brewing a sabotaged potion.
  • Not to be tricked, he has treated with all the scarecrows in the months of scares.
  • The nearly impenetrable defenses of Ouogakk, the Ogre Captain, were successfully penetrated by him.