Cuhpfehr Hills


A decrepit shack

  • a living doll - Whoever served as the model for this small doll must have suffered excruciating pain. Dozens of small needles pierce its arms, legs and other crucial bodyparts. Whatever cloth was used to form the doll's head has been burned black, and yet retained its shape. Its eyes are nothing more than two red buttons, and yet you can feel the hatred carried by their gaze. Despite the damage that has been afflicted upon it, this tiny doll appears to be in fairly good shape. A living doll is not one to be trifled with. It weighs 8 ounces.
  • Malayah, a vengeful spirit - The spirit of this fallen Wytch floats several feet above the ground. Its form is an ethereal shadow with no distinguishing features and its head is little more than a round shape without mouth or hair or ears, but its eyes, two orbs of bright, red flames stare at you with obvious hatred. The spirit is covered with a thin, billowing robe of translucent darkness which seems to be in constant movement. The intolerable cold of the grave seems to emanate from its very core. Malayah, a vengeful spirit is quite powerful.

Ynalmi Forest

Notable Denizens

  • a petite sidhe Shaman named Alere - This Sidhe woman is very small and petite, even for one of her race. Standing at no higher than four feet in height, her figure is very slender and shapeless. She works with 'the Academy' to research new mixtures of herbs and elements, hoping to create new concoctions.
  • a quiet fisherman - A slender male sylayan fisherman.

Flora and Fauna

  • a timber rattlesnake - This thick snake measures about four and a half feet in length. Its rugged scales are colored with markings of yellow and brown with black cross bands. Venomous fangs are revealed whenever this creature is threatened--the sound of its rattle audibly warning would-be aggressors. A timber rattlesnake does not look particularly dangerous. It weighs about 2 pounds.