Eglondes Gecnawing

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Eglondes Gecnawing is a distant island where the Academia Sylvalis now resides, having been preserved throughout history after the fall of Caanae.



The Timastede

Notable Denizens

  • Osric, the Glaeswyrhta - The stature of this middle-aged human is short and stocky, but his well-toned, muscular arms betray the fact that he gets quite a workout amidst his sedentary lifestyle. His attire is rather drab, consisting of a tunic and trousers in dirtied earthtones. A large, heavy apron drapes down in front of him, and several small tools hang off of it. There is a faint shimmer and glow about his body, and his pupil-less, crystalline eyes belie something more or less than human about him. He operates a glassworks and shop, selling spectacle frames in brass, platinum, gold, and silver, as well as mirrors and handmirrors.
  • Eadleofu Isgar - Shorter than average, her build borders on plump. Her salt and pepper hair falls straight to just below her shoulder blades, with two strands pulled back from her face and clipped with a gem-encrusted beetle. Her nose is broad, though not overly so, and her complexion tanned. Thin, dark eyebrows arch over eyes of orange crystal. A few barely noticeable age lines crease her forehead and the corners of her mouth. Her fingers are long and slender, and they seem just a tad out of place on her matronly form. Long, loose trousers of floral silk and a navy blue shirt cover her. Around her neck hangs a golden chain from which dangle four tiny figures of varying gemstones, two of which appear to wear gemstone skirts, and her left hand bears a smooth, plain band of gold. She has a jeweler's workshop south of the Timastede.
  • Sigebryht Aylwin -
  • Modwen Leavold -
  • Cenferth Bedloe -
  • Cynwise Eastman -
  • Tatwine Utteridge -
  • Cyneburg Quenell -
  • Emma Freegard -
  • Osbearn Lilleyman -
  • Selethryth Balman -
  • Waermund Ebven, Curator of the Academia -
  • Winnifred Gladwyn -
  • Hygelac Stannard -
  • Aethel Stannard, the Assistant Curator -
  • Theodhild Halding -
  • Bugge Metewryhta -
  • Octa Metewryhta -
  • Tondbert Kinsey -
  • Beornwyn Wolsey -
  • Ealdulf Wolsey -
  • Ceolflaed Brightmore -
  • Oswold Milborrow -
  • Ealhwyn Orrick -
  • Leofwen Isgar -
  • Eadflaed Milborrow -
  • Aescwyn Freegard -
  • Willelm Isgar -
  • Cwen Utteridge -
  • Thrydwulf Goldhawk -
  • Isskel, the Effectsmaster -

Flora and Fauna

Quests and Activities