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Alekmanhala, also known as the Prince of Flames, the King of Flames, or the Fire King, was long ago imprisoned by Lianthe in the heart of a volcano, in what was once the Dun Valley. Upon her death, the barrier trapping him within his lair faded in strength, and in the year 76 AM, he emerged with an army and sought to bring death and destruction to all of Aetherius. He was stopped, however, and placed back in his prison.


Alekmanhala was once a denizen of the Magma Vents, a guardian of the Core of the World. He grew discontent with the rule of Drusilla, and when Eastern miners broke through to the Core and released its power, leading to the Awakening, Alekmanhala used the distraction as a way to escape from the Vents. He lived near the rim of a volcano for several years, allowing the rays of Moradeim to shape his body into something resembling a human, and then tried to pass himself off as a Fire Mage.