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The Burrows of Arkaskarr

Anti-Magick Circle
Sovereignty: Antioch
Sachem: Japa
Guardian of the Burrows: Tahm

When the first Akrabi were born and branded abominations during the Second Age, they were cast out of Antioch and left to die in the harsh desert. In an act of strength that is unknown to man, a few of these young managed to survive in the harsh environment and eventually find shelter in a hidden labyrinth of burrows below the sands.

Over the centuries, these Akrabi have developed a fierce following to the Lord of the Seven Suns and their kin.

It is rumoured, however, that a creature like no other also calls the Burrows of Arkaskarr its home.

Notable Denizens

  • Reklakar, the Akrabi priest - His frame shrouded in gold and brown robes, Reklakar is a sturdily built Akrabi man. He stands over six feet in height, the regal arch of his stinger looming even higher above him. He is draped in the symbols of his office: the spiritual leader of Arkaskarr, and voice of the Lord of the Suns to the Akrabi people. A golden talisman about his neck portrays the Seven Suns in precious metals. Reklakar's face is that of a handsome if aging human, though the flexible plates of chitin which armour him give his face a smooth and angular cast. His eyes, arachnid-like, protrude slightly from their sockets. Despite his humanlike face, within his mouth click and scuttle the insectile workings of a scorpion's mouthparts. Reklakar's hands are heavily ridged on the thumb and forefinger, hearkening to the scorpion heritage the Akrabi people claim. Reklakar's entire body is plated in the same chitinous armour as his scorpion cousins. The faint blue of his plating is more noticeable in shadow, he seems to glow in the dark. He moves with the steady ease of a man truly at home in the caverns.