An artic wolf

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an arctic wolf
Health: 463   
A huge white and grey wolf stands here, snarling savagely.
A lean and savage brute, this wolf is nearly four feet at the shoulder, almost pure white with grey chest and paws. He leans forward, low to the ground, with his ears perked. Bright yellow eyes stare into yours, unafraid, and he bares his teeth in an unmistakable gesture.
An arctic wolf is quite powerful.
Towne Residence:
Location: Cinua Glade
Age: (Played for )
Entry: With a sudden blur of motion, an arctic wolf leaps from hiding, snarling in warning.
  • An arctic wolf skewers you with a well-placed jab. (cutting, raw 77)
  • An arctic wolf batters you with an overhead blow. (blunt, raw 71)

Weight:140 pounds