Bowmanship Abilities

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Bowmanship - Bowmanship

Syn: SHOOT <player> <direction>

    SWITCH <type> <type>

Use one of the various bows to shoot a player in a line-of-sight location from you.

An example of switching would be SWITCH WOODEN ACONITE, SWITCH ACONITE, SWITCH WOODEN, SWITCH ACONITE WOODEN, SWITCH METEOR, etc. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Fashion Bowmanship - Fashion

Syntax: FASHION <arrow|bow type>

       FASHION <arrow type> ARROWS

The master bowman must be able to fashion their own arrows. Initially this skill will only allow one to make typical wooden arrows and bows. However, as your skill in bowmanship increases, so will your knowledge of new kinds of arrows and bows.

Item       Commodities Required         Yields
---------- ---------------------------- ----------
Wooden     1 Wood                       15 Arrows
Razor      1 Wood, 1 Steel              10 Arrows
Spiral     1 Wood                       5 Arrows
Barbed     1 Wood, 1 Steel              10 Arrows
Pitched    1 Wood                       10 Arrows
Broad      1 Wood, 1 Steel              10 Arrows
Net        1 Wood, 1 Steel, 1 Rope      5 Arrows
Incendiary 1 Wood, 1 Steel, 1 Obsidian  1 Arrow
Longbow    10 Wood, 2 Leather           1 Longbow
Crossbow   10 Wood, 5 Leather, 5 Steel  1 Crossbow

Type MORE to continue reading. (91% shown) 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarmore

Hornbow    15 Wood, 10 Leather, 2 Steel 1 Hornbow
Quiver     5 leather    1 Quiver

575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Shortshot Bowmanship - Shortshot


This is a point blank shot that will strike any target in the room with the arrow you have selected from your quiver. Due to the close range, damage will be slightly reduced.

This ability may be used, in conjunction with pitched arrows, to melt icewalls that block your path. It can also be used, in conjunction with incendiary arrows, to destroy stonewalls that block your path.

Finally, pitched arrows fired at the ground will melt ice on the ground and set fire to the location, if the location is flammable.

Bowmanship - Razor

This ability allows you to fashion the deadly razor arrows. The edge of this arrow tip causes your foe increased bleeding. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Quickshot Bowmanship - Quickshot

Syntax: QUICKSHOT/QSHOT <target> <dir>

This type of skill allows you to shoot faster at a player, with slightly decreased accuracy and damage. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Spiral Bowmanship - Spiral

You can fashion the spiral arrow with this skill. The spiral arrow inflicts increased damage on your target. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Quiver Bowmanship - Quiver

You can fashion a quiver with this skill. The quiver is important in keeping your beloved arrows in a safe yet reachable position.

You can also INSPECT QUIVER in order to quickly ascertain types of arrows you hold in a worn quiver. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Wind Bowmanship - Wind

Once you have this ability, your accuracy with bowmanship will be increased. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Pinshot Bowmanship - Pinshot

Syntax: PINSHOT/PSHOT <target>

This shot will strike any foe in the same room who has fallen to the ground. Your arrow will strike and pin them down. They have to WRITHE to escape. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship StandReady Bowmanship - Standready


Initiating this defense will cause you to automatically fire upon your next enemy to enter the room with you. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniar [ACHIEVEMENT]: Slay 100 goblins in the 'Goblin Towne' isolated area. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Barbed Bowmanship - Barbed

This deadly arrow will stick in your foe. They must PULL ARROW FROM BODY to remove them. It is said that if someone has been struck too many times, they will perish.

Bowmanship - Envenom

Syntax: ENVENOM <amount> <arrow type> WITH <toxin>

       SWITCH <type> <type>

You may cover the tips of arrows with a toxin if you have a vial of that toxin or have the appropriate skill.

An example of switching would be SWITCH WOODEN ACONITE, SWITCH ACONITE, SWITCH WOODEN, SWITCH ACONITE WOODEN, SWITCH METEOR, etc. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Crossbows Bowmanship - Crossbows

Syn: SHOOT <player> <direction> The crossbow is more powerful, but less accurate, than the longbow. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Targetshot Bowmanship - Targetshot

Syntax: TARGETSHOT/TSHOT <target> <dir> <body part>

This special bow shot will strike a body part, damaging it. Once a player has taken too much damage to that part, it will be broken.

Incendiary, broad and net arrows will not cause any limb damage.

575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Aiming Bowmanship - Aiming

Syn: AIM <player> <direction> Increase the accuracy of your shooting. Bowmanship - Longshot

Syntax: LONGSHOT/LSHOT <target>

This long range attack will hit any target in the same area, who is outdoors. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Pitched Bowmanship - Pitched

The arrows can be lit, causing your enemy to burst into flames. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Hornbows Bowmanship - Hornbows

Syntax: SHOOT <player> <direction>

The famed hornbows are both expensive and powerful. Only slightly less powerful than a crossbow, they are far more accurate. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Broad Bowmanship - Broad

These arrows have blunted tips, capable of breaking protective translucent shields. Bowmanship - Strafe

Syntax: STRAFE <dir>

This attack will fire 5 arrows into an opposing room, randomly striking anyone there. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Net Bowmanship - Net

This arrow has a thin net attached to it that will entangle your enemy. They must WRITHE to escape. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Snipe Bowmanship - Snipe

Syn: SNIPE <player> <direction> Using this ability, you can improve your accuracy at shooting. Use it instead of the SHOOT command. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Overdraw Bowmanship - Overdraw


This defense will cause you to overdraw your bow, increasing damage by 10%. Unfortunately, there is a chance your bow will break on every shot. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniar Bowmanship - Hookshot

Syntax HOOKSHOT/HSHOT <target> <dir> [toxin]

      HOOKSHOT/HSHOT <target> SKIES [toxin]

This bow attack must be done with a barbed arrow and you must have a rope in your inventory. If you strike your foe, you will pull them into the room with you, knocking them slightly off balance.

This attack will use a barbed arrow envenomed with the specified toxin. If you don't specify any, it will use the currently chosen barbed arrow, or the first available arrow in your quiver.

575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Rapidfire Bowmanship - Rapidfire


Rapidfire will allow you to fire your bow at an increased rate of speed. Using it again will slow the rate back down. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Marksmanship Bowmanship - Marksmanship

You have mastered the art of aiming and will find it nearly impossible to miss. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Incendiary Bowmanship - Incendiary

The most dangerous arrow of all. Those hit by it have 10 seconds to PULL ARROW FROM BODY before it explodes and instantly kills them. 575 575 | 440 480 <eb db> 0 12.83 0 T: Iniarab bowmanship Doubleshot Bowmanship - Doubleshot

Usage: DOUBLESHOT/DSHOT <target> <dir>

      SWITCH BACKUP <toxin/type>

This powerful attack will fire two arrows into your enemy. You can use the SWITCH BACKUP command to select the arrow type you will fire second. The backup arrow type must be wooden, but it can use any toxin.