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                        [GUILD LEADERS]
               The Crux Shade: Iluv
                  Secretaries: Aslak, Kaveri, and Veysha
          Council Affiliation: Khandava
            Guild Professions: Assassin and Summoner

Rising out of the remains of the Phantoms, the Saboteurs were founded by a prominent Phantom named Insidian. The Phantoms were Kinsarmar's early attempt at an espionage organization, a guild destroyed by faction politics. In what came to be known as the Night of Sabotage, Insidian's faction killed off the main faction of Phantoms, and founded his own guild, the Saboteurs, around the year 1415.

From the Phantoms they took the arts of Sabotage, and combined them with the new methods of Hypnosis, which were more pioneered by their founder, Insidian. Through their studies in Spatium, they are capable of manipulating the space itself by carving dimensional wormholes. Using these pernicious skills, they manipulate unsuspecting victims, and bring terror and death to their enemies.

The Saboteurs are a notoriously secretive group. Their secrets are fiercely guarded by guild elders, and their machinations are unknown.