Bowmanship (skill)

Revision as of 09:58, 23 March 2014 by Mereis (talk | contribs)

The artistry of bowmanship has two purposes. The first allows an individual to fashion a complex variety of arrows with a multitude of functions. It also allows the crafter the ability to fashion one's own bow for a number of purposes. The second part of it ensures the individual becomes a master of distance with the variety of skills and abilities for a bow and arrow. A true user of the bow harnesses the ability to shoot a target over a vast distance or even how to shoot two arrows at once.

Bow Fashioning

                      Bowmanship Gear Fashioning
               Notes: Columns are commodities required.
                      Each fashioning produces one item.

                         |   Wood  | Leather |  Steel  |
              Longbow    |   10    |   2     |    -    |
              Hornbow    |   15    |   10    |    2    |
              Crossbow   |   10    |   5     |    5    |
              Quiver     |   -     |   5     |    -    |

Arrow Fashioning

                           Arrow Fashioning
   Notes: Columns are commodities required, and quantity produced.

               |   Wood  |  Steel  |    Other   | Quantity Made |
    Wooden     |    1    |    -    |     -      |      15       |
    Razor      |    1    |    1    |     -      |      10       |
    Spiral     |    1    |    -    |     -      |      5        |
    Barbed     |    1    |    1    |     -      |      10       |
    Pitched    |    1    |    -    |     -      |      10       |
    Broad      |    1    |    1    |     -      |      10       |
    Net        |    1    |    1    | 1 Rope     |      5        |
    Incendiary |    1    |    1    | 1 Obsidian |      1        |

Skill Table

Name Rank Percent Description
Bowmanship Inept 0% You are proficient in the bow.
Fashion Novice 50% Craft your own arrows.
Shortshot Novice 50% Shoot enemies in the room with you.
Razor Apprentice 37% These arrows cause massive bleeding.
Quickshot Capable 20% Draw and fire very quickly.
Spiral Adept 25% A more damaging arrow.
Quiver Skilled 0% Fashion a leather quiver.
Wind Skilled 40% Increase your accuracy with a bow.
Pinshot Skilled 80% Pin your foe to the ground.
StandReady Gifted 16% Shoot the next person you see.
Barbed Gifted 50% These bring death to your foe.
Envenom Gifted 83% Envenom your arrows with toxins.
Crossbows Expert 37% Use the powerful crossbows.
Targetshot Virtuoso 0% Strike the limbs of the enemy.
Aiming Virtuoso 33% Take the time to ensure you aim.
Longshot Virtuoso 55% Fire your bow over long distances.
Pitched Virtuoso 77% Light your arrows aflame.
Hornbows Fabled 0% Use the mighty hornbow.
Broad Fabled 18% An arrow that shatters shields.
Strafe Fabled 36% Fire a volley of arrows into a nearby room.
Net Fabled 54% Catch your foe in a mass of rope.
Snipe Fabled 72% Fire with greater accuracy.
Overdraw Mythical 0% A powerful shot, at the risk of the bow.
Hookshot Mythical 23% Rope the enemy and pull him to you.
Rapidfire Mythical 46% Fire at an increased rate.
Marksmanship Mythical 76% Fire your bow, despite distractions.
Incendiary Mythical 92% Blow your enemy into pieces.
Doubleshot Transcendent 100% Two arrows are better than one!