Slen, also known as the Caretaker Demon, was one of seven Demon Gods that appeared in Aetherius at the end of the Age of Desperation to slaughter the Gods of Imperian. She is infamous for having assisted in the murder of Malkav and Zanik before she fell to the might of Cassiopeia, and was the first Demonic casualty of the war.
Slen, the Caretaker Demon
Radiant Immortal (Demonic)
Slen, the Caretaker Demon
She is a terrifying Demon. However, at the same time She appears unnaturally benevolent and perversely beautiful. Her expression at the same time always seems to be that of patient concern and unrestrained, gnawing anxiety. An Aryana-white, unmarred face appears almost mask-like, with its lack of nose and tight, oddly-hinged jaw and the gangly, thin naked body is flanged with pustule-green chitin that adorns Her like flattering armor. Her legs are long and alien, jointed oddly like a horse's gambrel. Despite the terrible, unnatural construction of Her manifest form, She is impeccibly dextrous in all motions, every action gentle, flowing and soft.
She is a terrifying Demon. However, at the same time She appears unnaturally benevolent and perversely beautiful. Her expression at the same time always seems to be that of patient concern and unrestrained, gnawing anxiety. An Aryana-white, unmarred face appears almost mask-like, with its lack of nose and tight, oddly-hinged jaw and the gangly, thin naked body is flanged with pustule-green chitin that adorns Her like flattering armor. Her legs are long and alien, jointed oddly like a horse's gambrel. Despite the terrible, unnatural construction of Her manifest form, She is impeccibly dextrous in all motions, every action gentle, flowing and soft.