

The main purpose of this guide is to walk a beginner through the steps required to make a simple offensive system in Mudlet. I will not be covering complicated topics such as affliction tracking or curing priorities. I will also be avoiding many of the capabilities of Mudlet outright, because my goal here is to strip out everything but the absolute essentials.

I intend to cover the following topics:

  • Simple aliases
  • If-Then-Else statements
  • Complex aliases
  • Triggers
  • Rebounding Detection.

For the purposes of this guide, I am going to be using Outrider attacks as my examples, because I have the profession and they are set up in a way that allows for good examples. With that said, here we go!

Simple Aliases

Patterns: The biggest problem with Mudlet aliases, for non-coders, is probably the fact that the alias structure uses regular expressions inherently and there is no way to avoid this. This is unfortunate, because regex is complicated and picky and easy to get wrong. Because of this, I will be breaking regex down into two simple "blocks" for aliases.

  • "\s*(\w*)" : This pattern will be used for a word that may or may not be there.
  • "\s(\w+)" : This pattern will be used for a word that will always be there. If this word is not there, the alias will not work.

Those blocks are for reading in your input to the alias. If you want to target something with an alias like "t khizan" you need to use one of those blocks so that the alias can read the "khizan" part of it. Almost all of the aliases in this guide will use one or more of these blocks.