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Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Progress/Begin/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
A massive wooden bolt flies in from the DIR, impales you directly through the chest and slams into the ground, pinning you beneath it. Siege Give PVE
The bolt slams into the ground, pinning you beneath it. Siege Give PVE
impaled with a bolt. Siege Diagnose PVE
You are impaled to the ground by a massive bolt. Siege Secondary PVE
You struggle against the massive bolt which has impaled you. Siege Begin PVE
You gasp in pain as you continue trying to pull the bolt from your chest. Siege Progress PVE
You pull the bolt from your chest, freeing yourself from it. Siege Cure PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Progress/Begin/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
NAME quickly wraps the haft of WEAPON around your neck, locking h{is|er} elbows to hold it tightly in place. Ranger/Amazon Give PVP
You are being strangled and must first writhe free of your captor. Ranger/Amazon Secondary PVP
NAME tightens h{is|er} grip around WEAPON, slowly choking the life out of you. Ranger/Amazon Secondary PVP
You begin to struggle against the haft of the weapon that's choking you. Ranger/Amazon Begin PVP
You have successfully wrenched your neck free of the grip that was choking the life out of you. Ranger/Amazon Cure PVP
Your opponent stops strangling you. Ranger/Amazon Cure PVP
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Progress/Begin/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
NAME kicks h{is|er} heels into MOUNT, levels h{is|er} lance at you, and charges. H{is|er} lance strikes you squarely, impaling you and pinning you to the ground as {s|}he rides past. Templar/Deathknight/Runeguard Give PVP
pinned to the ground by a lance. Templar/Deathknight/Runeguard Diagnose PVP
You are impaled by a lance and held to the ground. Templar/Deathknight/Runeguard Secondary PVP
You struggle with the pain caused by the lance which has impaled you to the ground. Templar/Deathknight/Runeguard Secondary PVP
You struggle to free yourself from the lance pinning you to the ground. Templar/Deathknight/Runeguard Begin PVP
With a mighty groan, you free yourself from the lance pinning you to the ground. Templar/Deathknight/Runeguard Cure PVP
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Progress/Begin/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
A massive net flies in from the DIR, entangles itself about you and you fall to the ground unable to move. Siege Give PVE
entangled by a net. Siege Diagnose PVE
You are entangled in a rope net and cannot do that. Siege Secondary PVE
You struggle to escape from the entangling net. Siege Begin PVE
You twist and turn, trying to escape the netting. Siege Progress PVE
You finally free yourself from the net. Siege Cure PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Progress/Begin/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Progress/Begin/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Progress/Begin/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Progress/Begin/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Progress/Begin/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Your attention is grabbed and held by a fascinating butterfly-like rune. Runeguard Give PVP
NAME weaves an intricate dance, transfixing you. Wardancer Give PVP
With blinding speed, NAMES transfixes you with a swirling pattern of fire and air. Mage Give PVP
You are transfixed and cannot do that. You must writhe to escape. Secondary Both
You are transfixed and cannot move. Secondary Both
transfixed. Diagnose Both
You begin trying to wrest your mind free of that which has transfixed it. Begin Both
You continue trying to wrest your mind free. Progress Both
You have writhed free of your state of transfixation. Cure Both
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Progress/Begin/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Sticky strands of webbing prevent you from moving. Give Both
You are surrounded in a white flame as the webbing is engulfed in flames. Torch Tattoo Cure PVP
Sticky strands of webbing cling to you, making that impossible. Give Both
Sticky strands of webbing spray out from an Antioch cleric to cover you. Antioch Istani Give PVE
Sticky strands of webbing spray out from an elite Antioch cleric to cover you. Antioch Istani Give PVE
You have writhed free of your entanglement by webs. Cure Both


Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
You feel a terrible thirst for elixirs grow within you. Assassin\Renegade\Diabolist\Wytch Give PVP
addicted to elixirs. Assassin\Renegade\Diabolist\Wytch Diagnose PVP
Your terrible addiction to lovely elixirs seems to wane. Assassin\Renegade\Diabolist\Wytch Cure PVP
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
NAME stands a tarot on h{is|er} open palm, and blows it lightly at you. Summoner Give PVP
NAME draws back with a knowing smirk and utters some alien word that vibrates deep within your bones. Summoner Give PVP
NAME mixes some purple and blue bone dust and throws it at you, slowing down your movement in the time stream. Wytch Give PVP
afflicted with the curse of the Aeon. Diagnose PVP
The curse of the Aeon wears off and you return to the normal timestream. Cure PVP
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Terror descends upon you and your head swims - you must find shelter! Assassin\Renegade\Diabolist\Wytchen Give PVP
agoraphobic. Diagnose PVP
You can handle the idea of open spaces again. Cure PVP
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
You feel suddenly as if food is the most repulsive thing you can imagine. Give Both
The bleeding loshre rune on your chest burns with intense pain. Runeguard Give PVP
You lose all desire to eat upon gazing at a loshre rune. Runeguard\Wytch Give PVP
The idea of eating or drinking is repulsive to you. Give Both
The thought of eating sickens you. Give Both
anorexic. Diagnose Both
Food is no longer repulsive to you. Cure Both
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Your lungs tighten and it becomes hard to breathe. Give Both
Your heavy lungs are much too constricted to smoke. Give Both
afflicted by horrible asthma. Diagnose Both
Your lungs relax and you can breathe easy once again. Cure Both
You purge yourself of the affliction of constriction. Cure (fitness) Both
Carved Rune
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
As (Person) finishes carving the inguz rune into your flesh, the ink fuses with the blood, sealing the symbol onto your being. Runeguard Give PVP
The bleeding (Rune) rune on your chest burns with intense pain. Runeguard Secondary PVP
The gaping wound on your chest stops bleeding. Runeguard Cure PVP
The wound on your chest closes up, leaving only a scar. Runeguard Cure(phase 2) PVP
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
NAME opens h{is\|er} maw and exhales a blast of frigidly cold air on you. Hunter\Druid Give Both
NAME raises a hand towards you and blasts you with cold, frigid air. Mage Give PVP
NAME sends an icy blue tendril of light that lashes out at you and wraps around you, sending a strange chill deep into your bones. Summoner Give PVP
The bubonis entity sinks its teeth into you, and you begin shivering. Summoner Give PVP
Though still shivering, you are no longer gripped in icy paralysis. Give Both
A demon of fire and ice reaches out and gently touches you on the shoulder. You feel a magical cold seeping into your very bones. Give PVE
A fiendish spectre reaches out and chills you with its lifeless claws. Give PVE
You feel the strength ebb from your body as the cold takes its toll. Give Both
You suddenly have an extremely intense shiver. Give Both
shivering. Diagnose
Your body warms up and you stop shivering. Cure
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
"Don't get trapped now...", the bubonis entity whispers to you. Summoner Give PVP
The walls close in to suffocate you - you must escape! Diabolist\Assassin\Renegade\Wytch Give PVP
claustrophobic. Diagnose
Small spaces no longer frighten you. Cure
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
You stumble and it becomes very difficult to concentrate on your coordination. Toxin/Mobs Give Both
You lash out clumsily. Mobs Secondary Both
afflicted with clumsiness. Diagnose Both
You feel coordinated once more. Cure Both
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
NAME mixes some yellow and red bone dust and throws it lightly at you. Wytch Give PVP
NAME spins about you, flashing h{is\|er} shield into your eyes confusing you. Wardancer Give PVP
The bubonis entity strokes your forehead and your thoughts are thrown into disarray. Summoner Give PVP
Your head spins as your mind is drowned in chaos and confusion. Diabolist Give PVP
Your mind feels suddenly confused and jumbled. Assassin\Renegade\Wytch\Diabolist Give PVP
confused. Diagnose PVP
You are too confused to concentrate on anything. Secondary PVP
You are too confused to concentrate properly. Secondary PVP
You raise your weapons to strike, but the purpose for it eludes you. Secondary PVP
The confusion lifts from your mind and it is clear once again. Cure Both
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
A viper-like sleizak rune suddenly extends from a totem to bite you painfully. Runeguard/Wytch (totem) Give Both
A viper-like sleizak rune suddenly extends from the ground to bite you painfully. Runeguard/Wytch (ground/circle) Give PVP
You begin feeling slightly flushed. Give, second message Both
Blood begins to slowly drip from your nose. Give, third message Both
You cough suddenly, expelling black fluid with bits of what looks to be tissue suspended in it. Give, Fourth message Both
Your legs tremble slightly as a yellow jaundice begins to creep through your now-pale features. Give, Fifth message Both
Your body begins to convulse, and as a scream that won't come claws frantically at your throat, your back snaps from the sheer force of the spasms, killing you instantly. Death Both
You start to feel slightly unwell, and one of the bites the badger gave you suddenly seems to burn. Khandavan Warrens Badger Give PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Equilibrium Loss
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Elixir Slow
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Focus Affliction
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Health Leech
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Herbs Reject
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Herb Slow
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Limb Paralysis
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Losing Bond
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Sunligth Allergy
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Salve Slow
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
A blood-streaked demon kicks you in the gut with his metallic back hooves. A blood-streaked demon. Give PVE
You feel sick as the filthy lake water seeps into your pores. Tainted Water Give PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Slow Equilibrium
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Slow Balance
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Withered Throat
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Random Affliction
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE
Message Class/Mob Give/Cure/Diagnose? PVP/PVE