Ambwizene, a haughty looking man

Ambwizene, a haughty looking man
Health: 190   
Examining the room from down his nose, Ambwizene looks around with disinterest.
Dark black eyes glare haughtily out from the stern face. Long black hair falls to his shoulders, decorated with turquoise beads at the end of a few braids placed in his hair as a sign of rank and position. The humorless jaw is set, holding a thin-lipped smirk of superiority and an expression of almost constant distaste. Robes of blue and white adorn his tall, spindly frame like a loose, sagging skin hanging from a brown skeleton.
Ambwizene, a haughty looking man exudes a quiet confidence.
Towne Residence:
Location: Baneward Keep
Age: (Played for )
Exit: Stalking out with a wiry gait, Ambwizene leaves to the <direction>.
  • Ambwizene, a haughty looking man rams his scimitar into your stomach, making a torrent of blood flow from your body. (cutting, raw 30)

Weight:300 pounds