
The Lycaeans of the forests are another breed of ancient Caananites, having evolved to survive in the dangerous woodlands of Imperian alongside the sylayan elves. Larger than a normal human man, they are strong and fast and closely resemble the wolves of their homeland. Their thick pelts come in many shades, most being in browns and greys. Lyria of Kinsarmar was the first human to be transformed by Moradeim into a lycaean in the Second Age, and she encouraged the other members of her pack to join in alliance with the elves in the offensive against Stavenn, as it was obvious that they would soon decide to march upon the forests as well as the beleaguered city of Kinsarmar.

Lycaean Defiler
A lycaean defiler howling in the Celidon Forest.
Statpack Dexterous
Language Common, Lycaean

Racial Skills

  • Infravision: Infravision lets you see in the dark.
  • Digging: You are able to DIG and BURY items without a shovel. You can also dig faster than other races.
  • Scent: Locate other players by their scent.

Notable Denizens

  • Jabe, the hunter and Kabe, the outrider