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Sabotage - Signs Syntax: SIGN <message>

       SIGN TO <person> <message>

Using hand gestures, you may sign out a message that only other Saboteurs in the room will understand.

Sabotage - Hide

Syn: HIDE, EMERGE Conceal yourself from view and then type EMERGE to cease concealing.

Sabotage - Illusion

Syntax: CONJURE ILLUSION ALL|<target> <text>

Create an illusion of your choosing in the room you are in or only to a specific target.

You may put a new line in your illusion with the special character sequence "\n" (a backslash followed by an n). You can also use the $ME token to insert your name into the illusion. The name will be colorised accordingly to the settings of everyone who sees the illusion.

Sabotage - Traps



This ability will search for traps in the room, giving you information about them. You will not be able to find traps laid by someone with higher skill than you.

Sabotage - Dart


  LAY DART <direction>
  ENVENOM DART <direction> WITH <venom>

Commodities: 1 wood

The dart trap shoots out a dart when sprung. It does no damage, but may be envenomed from vials with venom in them, in which case the dart will poison the victim with whatever venom was applied to the trap. With great skill you will be able to set up the traps so that they will only be set off by your enemies.

Sabotage - Harden

Syntax: HARDEN

Your constant exposure to deadly toxins allows you to harden your skin, making you take less damage from physical attacks.

Sabotage - Evade

Syn: EVADE <direction> All players following you will be lost when you use this ability. Movement with evade will also be undetected by most abilities that detect movement.

Sabotage - Garrote

Syntax: GARROTE <target>

Using a wielded whip, you can try to slip behind a target and choke the life out of him or her. Armour is rendered entirely useless to your victim. Furthermore, while it is difficult to do normally, if your target is fairly helpless (paralysed, tied up, frozen, fallen on the ground, sleeping, unconscious, or some other similar afflictions) then you will always hit with this. The higher your sabotage, the more damage this ability will do.

Sabotage - Shadow

Syn: SHADOW <player> From on the ground or in the trees you are able to shadow a player from an adjacent location. This will cause you to enter their location and begin following them.

Sabotage - Flay

Syntax: FLAY <player>

       FLAY <player> AURA
       FLAY <player> MASS

Using a whip, you will be able to flay the waxy coating of the fenugreek berry from your opponent, enabling you to puncture his flesh once more. Optionally you can choose to flay the aura of rebounding or the mass defence from your foe.

Sabotage - Waiting

Syn: AWAIT <player> Once activated, this ability will allow you to stand still and wait for another player unnoticed. When he enters the location, you will begin to follow him.

Sabotage - Pacing

Syn: PACING ON/OFF You will be able to follow those who sprint away.

Sabotage - Puncture

Usage: PUNCTURE <target> WITH <toxin>

This skill is used to afflict your foes with various toxins. You need a dagger or a dirk, and a vial of the toxin to puncture with.

Puncturing with Dioxin, Trioxin, and Sulfonal requires you to have the ability in Sabotage.

Sabotage - Dioxin

This toxin causes damage to its target. It can only be used with the Puncture ability.

   Required venoms: 2 Rattlesnake

Sabotage - Block

Syn: BLOCK <direction> This will allow you to block much movement in a particular direction.

Sabotage - Snare


  LAY SNARE <direction>


  1 rope

This trap will snare an opponent like a hare heading for the cooking pot. It will only fire if you are in the same or adjacent room as the target.

Sabotage - Swinging

Syn: SWING UP, SWING DOWN When in a forest location, you will be able to swing up into the trees.

Sabotage - Secret

Usage: SECRET <item> TO <player>

This simply puts an item on a player without him noticing.

Sabotage - Scan

Syn: SCAN While in the treetops, you can scan the ground for passerbys.

Sabotage - Bowmanship

Syn: SHOOT <player> <direction>

    SWITCH <type|toxin> <type|toxin>

Use one of the various bows to shoot a player in a line-of-sight location from you.

Sabotage - Seize

Syn: SEIZE <player> While in the trees, you may seize a player and bring him up to your level.

Sabotage - Shove

Syn: SHOVE While in the trees, you may shove a player to the ground, possibly breaking his legs.

Sabotage - Noose

Syn: CRAFT NOOSE, NOOSE <player> While you are in the trees you can craft a noose from the vines hanging everywhere. Then, if there is a sole victim below you, you can NOOSE <player>. This is a long process as you have to move with utter silence. If anyone else enters the location, your attempt will be ruined.

Sabotage - Aiming

Syn: AIM <player> <direction> Increase the accuracy of your shooting.

Sabotage - Listen

Syn: LISTEN <direction> Use your auditory acuity to listen in on conversations in an adjacent room.

Sabotage - Dispel

Syn: DISPEL/DISPEL ME/DISPEL <player> Use this ability to dispel most illusions associated with the room you are in, yourself, or another player.

Sabotage - Lipread


This will allow you to hear speech as normal when deaf, as well as read the lips of any who whisper near you.

Sabotage - Eavesdrop

Syn: EAVESDROP <direction> Your skills have improved to the point where you can now listen even through closed doors.

Sabotage - Trioxin

This toxin is a stronger version of dioxin, it causes considerable damage to its target. It can only be used with the Puncture ability.

   Required venoms: 3 Rattlesnake

Sabotage - Wind

Once you have this ability, your accuracy with bowmanship will be increased.

Sabotage - Slit

Syntax: SLIT <player>

Provided you are wielding either a dagger or dirk, this ability will allow you to slit the throat who is bound or not conscious (sleeping, meditating, unconscious), causing significant bleeding damage.

Sabotage - Doublestab

Syntax: DOUBLESTAB/DSTAB <player> [toxin 1] [toxin 2]

If you are wielding a dirk that has been envenomed with more than one toxin, you may use this ability to quickly deliver two toxins simultaneously to your target.

You can optionally specify the two toxins to envenom the dirk with before attacking. This requires you to have vials containing those toxins and the Envenom ability. The first toxin will affect the target player first.

Sabotage - Envenom

Syn: ENVENOM <amount> ARROWS WITH <toxin>

    SWITCH <type> <type>

You may cover the tips of arrows with a toxin if you have a vial of that toxin or have the appropriate skill.


Sabotage - Crossbows

Syn: SHOOT <player> <direction> The crossbow is more powerful, but less accurate, than the longbow.

Sabotage - Clothesline


  LAY CLOTHESLINE <direction>


  1 rope

This trap will cut the jugular of any enemy of yours that tries to pass by it, causing great bleeding.

Sabotage - Cloak

Syn: CONJURE CLOAK or CONJURE CLOAK <player> This will conjure up a cloak that will disguise many actions from observers.

Sabotage - Dash

Syn: DASH <direction> Sprint quickly in a particular direction.

Sabotage - Alarm


  SET ALARM <direction>

Set an alarm on a trap such that the trap owner will be notified when the trap is sprung.

Sabotage - Lightwall

Usage: CONJURE LIGHTWALL <direction>

This will conjure a wall of pure light that will cure blindness from any passing through it. If the player is not blind, they will be transfixed. In addition, a lightwall in the room with you will cause your targets to be affected by the xeroderma toxin as if they were in the sunlight.

Sabotage - Disarm


  DISARM TRAP <direction>

Using this ability, you will attempt to disarm a trap. If you are successful, and you laid the trap, you will get the commodities that went into its making. If you are unsuccessful, you will fall victim to the trap.

Sabotage - Hornbows

Syntax: SHOOT <player> <direction>

The famed hornbows are both expensive and powerful. Only slightly less powerful than a crossbow, they are far more accurate.

Sabotage - Appraise

Usage: APPRAISE <player>

      APPRAISE <player> <search string>

This will list a player's entire inventory.


  BACKSTAB <player>

Only useable while hidden in the shadows, backstab is a delayed ability. After initiating it, you will spend a few seconds circling around to get directly behind your opponent, and then you will leap from the shadows to plant a dirk or dagger in his back.

Sabotage - Shrugging

Syntax: SHRUG <toxin>

This ability allows you to focus on shrugging off the effect of a toxin of your choice. The next time you are hit by the chosen toxin, you will be able to shrug it off without feeling any of its usual effects. Only one toxin will be shrugged - you need to pick a new toxin afterwards.

Changing a toxin to shrug, or picking a new one, can be done every 8 seconds.

Sabotage - Binding

Syntax: BIND <player> If your target is sleeping or unconscious, and you have a length of rope on your person, you may hog-tie your unlucky target. This requires much longer to writhe out of than web does, for instance.

Sabotage - Weaving


At the cost of a heavy mana drain, you will be able to take less damage from other players. The effect of this ability is significantly improved against a target whom you are currently hypnotising.

Sabotage - Arrowcrafting

Syntax: FASHION <arrow type> ARROWS

This ability allows you to fashion most types of arrows. These are the arrows that you can produce, and the required commodities:

Arrow Commodities Required Yields

---------------------------- ----------

Wooden 1 Wood 15 Arrows Razor 1 Wood, 1 Steel 10 Arrows Spiral 1 Wood 5 Arrows Barbed 1 Wood, 1 Steel 10 Arrows Pitched 1 Wood 10 Arrows Broad 1 Wood, 1 Steel 10 Arrows Net 1 Wood, 1 Steel, 1 Rope 5 Arrows

Razor arrows cause extra bleeding, spiral arrows have increased damage, barbed arrows remain in the target's body until pulled out, pitched arrows set their target ablaze, broad arrows can shatter shields, and net arrows entangle.

Sabotage - Yank

Syntax: YANK <player> Using this ability, you may try to yank a player from an adjacent room into yours with your whip. You must be wielding a whip to use this ability. Sabotage - Snipe

Syn: SNIPE <player> <direction> Using this ability, you can improve your accuracy at shooting. Use it instead of the SHOOT command.


  CONCEAL TRAP <direction>

This powerful ability will allow you to disguise the effects of a trap from he who sets it off. The victim will know he set off a trap, but will not immediately know what kind of trap was set off.



The first time you summon a cobra, you may have to try many times before you're successful. Eventually though, the cobras of the wild won't be able to resist your serpentine charms, and one will come slithering to serve. Once you have your cobra, you may summon it back at any time should you lose it, by simply executing the syntax again. Your cobra may be ordered to perform the actions listed in HELP MOBILES.

After you have obtained a cobra, you may train it in some useful abilities.

Sabotage - Scourge

Syntax: SCOURGE <target>

This ability will flay the skin from the bones of your target, preventing your target from applying the fenugreek berry for a short time. This affliction cannot be cured, but will wear off automatically after a short amount of time. In addition, due to the sensitive skin of your target, any punctures that apply an affliction will also cause Trioxin damage to the target.

Sabotage - Flashwall

Syntax: CONJURE FLASHWALL <direction>

A different version of a lightwall, a flashwall causes anyone who passes through it to become highly suspectible to hypnosis for some time. Hypnosis attempts against the affected individual will always succeed, and an ongoing hypnosis will not break if the target moves beyond the reach of the hypnotiser.

Much like the lightwall, a flashwall also triggers the effects of the xeroderma toxin.

Sabotage - Sulfonal

Those infected with this toxin find that any additional toxins applied to them via the Puncture ability will relapse several seconds later. This toxin can only be applied using the Puncture ability.

Required venoms: 3 Meadowhawk, 2 Centipede Sabotage - Phase

Syn: PHASE, UNPHASE This is probably the most effective concealment ability there is. While phased, you will be hidden from all mortal players, aside from other phased ones. You will, further, be unable to interact with items, mobiles, or unphased players. The caveat here is that you may try to attack an unphased player, which will automatically unphase you. Thus, phase can be used as an effective aid to assassinations.


       WORM INFO

Wormholes are mysterious and not very well understood constructs of magick. Using one's mind, it is possible to establish a dimensional link between two distant spots, and to use this connection in various ways.

Two different types of wormholes exist. Personal wormholes are small, volatile, and quick to create, but they can only ever be used by their owner, whom they always follow around. Stable wormholes require longer to create, but once stabilised, they persist indefinitely or until they are destroyed, and anyone with the ability to use them may do so.

Using the wormhole in any way requires that the wormhole is connected to a target location. How this is done is explained in the AB help for the Attach ability. The required connection type is listed in each AB help file. Abilities that require a room connection can be used with both personal and stable wormholes, all other abilities require a personal wormhole to function.

WORM CREATE allows you to create your personal wormhole, and WORM INFO allows you to discern its current status. You can't actually use your personal wormhole until you learn the necessary abilities to do so.

Syntax: WORM SEEK Connection: Room

This ability allows you to seek out all stable and personal wormholes that are present in this room. It will also find a personal wormhole that is attached to this room from elsewhere.

Syntax: WORM WARP Connection: Room

This ability allows you to warp through a wormhole and arrive at its other end. The wormhole needs to be connected to another room. You can only use your personal wormhole in this way if you have learned how to connect it to another room.

As personal wormholes are more volatile than stable ones, attempts to travel through one are blocked by monolith sigils and similar effects. Spatium - Channel

Syntax: WORM CHANNEL <item> Connection: Room

This ability allows you to hurl held items through a wormhole.

Syntax: WORM GLANCE Connection: Room

This ability allows you to glance through a stable or personal wormhole, allowing you to see what is on the other end.


This ability allows you to attach your personal wormhole to a mighty volcano. Once attached, you will be able to use abilities that require a Volcano connection.

Spatium - Attach

Syntax: WORM ATTACH <location>


This ability allows you to actually use your personal wormhole by attaching it to various locations. The descriptions of available locations are available in their respective AB help files.

Spatium - Burn

Syntax: WORM BURN <target> Connection: Volcano

This ability allows you to send searing flames against another individual, setting him on fire.

It can be used off-balance.

Spatium - Tundra


This ability allows you to attach your personal wormhole to a frozen tundra. Once attached, you will be able to use abilities that require a Tundra connection.

Syntax: WORM FREEZE <target> Connection: Tundra

This ability allows you to send a blast of cold air against an individual, freezing him.

It can be used off-balance.

Spatium - Mask


Masking your personal wormhole prevents it from being detected by the Seek and Sources abilities. Using any wormhole-related aggressive ability unmasks it.

Syntax: WORM SHADOWPLANT <target> [plant name] Connection: Tundra, Volcano, Rashirmir, Circular, Demonic, or Elemental

This ability allows you to spit out a shadowy plant from your wormhole directly into your target's inventory. When an affected individual attempts to eat a plant of the chosen type, he will eat the shadowplant instead, which will have no effect, but will still use up plant balance.

If you do not specify a plant name, a random one will be used. The type of the random plant will only be known to you.

The shadowplant requires one second before it fully materialises, and if not eaten, it evaporates four seconds later.

Additionally, shadowplants summoned from the tundra will freeze the target when eaten, while shadowplants from the volcano will set on fire. Shadowplants from other locations will have no extra effect.

The target cannot interact with the shadowplant in any way - it will only take effect when attempting to eat a real plant. This ability can be used off-balance.

Spatium - Room

Syntax: WORM ATTACH <player>

This ability allows you to connect your personal wormhole to any individual who is currently within your area. Everyone in the target room is notified about the connection. The wormhole remains attached even if the target individual moves elsewhere, but if you move to another room or warp through the wormhole, the connection will instantly be severed.

All abilities that require a Room connection can also be performed using stable wormholes. If there is a stable wormhole in your room, your personal wormhole takes priority over it - to use the stable wormhole, you first need to detach your wormhole or attach it to a different location (Tundra, Volcano, etc).

Only one personal wormhole may be attached to a room at a time.


This ability allows you to attach your personal wormhole to Rashirmir, the Dream Realm. Once attached, you will be able to use abilities that require a Rashirmir connection.

Spatium - Choke

Syntax: WORM CHOKE <target> Connection: Rashirmir

This ability inflicts asphyxiation damage to its target.

It can be used off-balance.

Spatium - Flight

Syntax: WORM FLIGHT Connection: Rashirmir

By carefully positioning your wormhole, this ability allows you to take off into the skies. Your movement will be slower than usual due to the constant maintenance required.

Spatium - Blizzard

Syntax: WORM BLIZZARD [OFF] Connection: Tundra

This ability allows you to invoke a mighty blizzard, obscuring the room and making it difficult to leave. The blizzard will only last while the wormhole remains connected to the tundra.

Spatium - Resonance

Syntax: WORM RESONANCE ON/OFF Connection: Room

This ability allows you to cause anything said at the other end of the wormhole to resonate back to you. Words resonating through a personal wormhole will only be heard by its owner, while words resonating through a stable one will be heard by anyone on the other end. Additionally, resonance works in both directions for stable wormholes, but only towards the owner for personal ones.

Spatium - Confound

Syntax: WORM CONFOUND <target> Connection: Tundra, Volcano, Rashirmir, Circular, Demonic, or Elemental

This ability allows you to confound the mind of a target, slowing down his ability to focus his mind for roughly the next 20 seconds.

It can be used off-balance.

Spatium - Splice

Syntax: WORM SPLICE <target> [UNSTABLE]

This ability allows you to splice stable wormholes, which may then be used by anyone with the ability to do so. It requires two individuals with the ability to splice, each of them needs to execute this command with the other individual as the target. The process is intensive, takes several minutes, and most actions interrupt it. If successful, a new stable wormhole is formed between the two locations.

If both individuals specify the optional UNSTABLE parameter, an unstable wormhole is formed, which is a hybrid between stable and personal wormholes. Unstable wormholes are formed by attaching personal wormholes together, and behave exactly like personal wormholes attached to another room. The difference is that unstable wormholes can span across areas, and that warping through them is not stopped by monolith sigils or consecrations. If either of the two individuals moves or warps through the wormhole, it is destroyed.

Splicing an unstable wormhole is much faster than splicing a stable one.

Note: wormholes spliced into an anti-magick territory will collapse after some time.

Spatium - Sources


This ability allows you to discover all wormholes within the area, both stable and personal ones.

Spatium - Obscure

Syntax: WORM OBSCURE <target> Connection: Tundra, Volcano, Rashirmir, Circular, Demonic, or Elemental

This ability causes any toxins delivered by the Puncture attack to be masked for the next 10 seconds.

Obscure and Becloud cannot both be active at the same time. The ability can be used off-balance.

Spatium - Tremors


This ability will alert you whenever any wormholes in your area or an area adjacent to yours are being attacked, as well as when a new wormhole is being spliced.

Syntax: WORM DEVOUR <target> Connection: Rashirmir

This ability will attempt to suck an unwilling target through it, where he will suffocate instantly. The process takes several seconds, during which you cannot do anything else nor be hindered. The duration of the ability is also shortened if the target is not under effect of the mass defence. Spatium - Engulf

Syntax: WORM ENGULF <target>/OFF Connection: Volcano

This ability causes a continuous torrent of flame to start spewing out of the wormhole, engulfing its target. The flames instantly burn away the aura of rebounding that may form around the target. The effect is continuous and lasts while the wormhole is attached to the volcano. When the torrent is interrupted, the flames fade away shortly afterwards.


This ability allows you to attach your personal wormhole to itself, worming a circular connection. Once attached, you will be able to use abilities that require a Circular connection.

Spatium - Enthrall

Syntax: WORM ENTHRALL <target> Connection: Circular

This ability instantly triggers a random hypnotic suggestion implanted in the target's mind. It cannot be used while the suggestions are already being activated.

This ability can not be used off-balance, but it is possible to follow with the Puncture ability immediately afterwards.

Spatium - Instill

Syntax: WORM INSTILL <target> <affliction or toxin name> Connection: Tundra, Volcano, Rashirmir, Circular, Demonic, or Elemental

This ability allows you to instill an affliction of your choice, that the target is currently afflicted with, deep within the target. The ability is delayed and only takes effect after two seconds - if the affliction is cured in this interval, the ability fails with no effect.

Once successfully instilled, the affliction will become more difficult to cure, and all curing methods will cure this affliction last, only after curing any other afflictions that the target has and that the curing method can heal.

The afflictions can be chosen from all those that can be delivered by a toxin or by hypnosis - other afflictions may not be instilled. Additionally, the effects of Ciguatoxin and Metrazol can not be instilled.

For example, if the target is afflicted with stupidity, masochism, and lethargy, and stupidity is instilled, eating orphine will cure masochism first, and stupidity second (as no other orphine-cured afflictions remain). This ability can be used off-balance.

Spatium - Cancel


This ability allows you to attempt to sever a dimensional wormhole at your location. This requires utmost concentration - most actions will abort the attempt.

Both stable wormholes and personal wormholes attached to your location can be cancelled in this way. Cancelling personal wormholes is much faster than cancelling stable ones.

Spatium - Wormsnipe

Syntax: WORM SNIPE <target> Connection: Room

While wielding a bow and wearing a quiver, you may shoot arrows through wormholes at targets that reside on the other end.

Spatium - Vortex

Syntax: WORM VORTEX <player> Connection: Room

This ability attempts to suck a player at the other end of a wormhole through to you. The attempt will fail if the player is too heavy to be moved.

Spatium - Becloud

Syntax: WORM BECLOUD <target> Connection: Circular

For the next 20 seconds, hypnosis suggestions triggered on the target will have a 33% chance to show a generic message instead of the usual one.

Obscure and Becloud cannot both be active at the same time. The ability can be used off-balance.

Syntax: WORM ANNIHILATE <target> Connection: Circular

This ability attempts to annihilate the mind of its target, if it has been sufficiently weakened. If the target is under the effect of less than four hypnotic afflictions, the attempt will fail with no effect. If the target has six or more, it will instantly kill him, otherwise the attempt will take several seconds during which you may do nothing else.

Afflictions that can also be given by toxins (clumsiness, stupidity, recklessness, and anorexia) are not included in the count.

Spatium - Demonic


This ability allows you to attach your personal wormhole to the Demonic plane. Once attached, you will be able to use abilities that require a Demonic connection.

Spatium - Demon

Syntax: WORM SUMMON DEMON Connection: Demonic

This ability summons a demonic lamia loyal to you, which can be commanded in the usual way. The lamia remains with you until slain, even if you attach your wormhole to another location. The lamia has the following abilities:

DEMON PROTECT - provides a defence against several types of non-physical damage, while the lamia is with you

DEMON SCENT - locates all individuals within the area

DEMON ENSNARE <target> - transfixes the target, or strips the blindness defence

DEMON WARP - allows the demon to warp through a wormhole, if there is one in your room. The demon can warp through your personal wormhole as well

DEMON EXPLODE - causes significant damage to everyone in the room and kills the lamia. This can be used at a distance

DEMON RETURN - causes the demon to return back to you