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#REDIRECT [[Category:Skills]]
'''Skills''' represent a group of abilities you know or your mastery of a single ability in Aetherius. (For a quick list, see [[:Category:Skills]], for in-game help see HELP 4.12)
== Skills in General ==
Generally speaking, there are two types of skills:-
* those that cost ~1800 lessons (these being the General and [[Professions]] skillsets)
* those that cost ~700 lessons (these being the Mini-skills and [[Trade]] skillsets)
More detail can be found in [[lessons]].
== Accessing your Skills ==
To view your skills, type SKILLS.
To view your command of your skills, type LESSONS.
To view the abilities available to you within your skill, type AB <skill> FULL. You will only be able to use those in white for now.
=== A brief example ===
IdrasiYouth is a young [[Idras]] [[Predator]].
In '''SKILLS''', he will see all of the General skillset and all of the Mini-skills.
In '''SKILLS''', he will also see [[Predation]], [[Knifeplay]], and [[Beastmastery]] (which are granted him by virtue of being a [[Predator]]).
He then learns 291 lessons in Knifeplay from his Guildmaster. This puts him at '''0% Gifted''' as seen in '''AB''' (or '''291 lessons''' as seen in '''LESSONS''').
In '''AB KNIFEPLAY FULL''' now, he will see that he has access to all skills in Knifeplay up to [[Slit]].
While he improves his mastery of Knifeplay, his damage output from his deadly sitaras will increase.
Once he completely masters Knifeplay (that is '''Transcendent''' as seen in '''AB''' or '''1738 lessons''' as seen in '''LESSONS''') he will be able to use [[Bladesurge]], the amazing ability that lets him strike four times in a single move when he is threatened.
== Skillsets ==
The General skillsets are available to everyone. They constitute some useful and some useless skills, depending on your profession, your race, and the way you decide to play your character! Of note, [[Survival]] is the most important of these skillsets.
The Mini-skills are also available to everyone. They are essentially damage mitigation and when mastered grant you a skill - the best of which comes from Antidotes, the ability to [[Purge blood]], a very useful combat skill.
The Trade skillsets are available to everyone at a cost. They allow players to craft and create the world around them - from greaves to masks to great statues. See [[Trade]] for more information.
Finally, the [[Professions]] skillsets are a group of three skills granted to you when you take up a certain profession; for example, a Diavlous Knight would know the skills of [[Brutality]], [[Necromancy]] and [[Smithing]], whereas a Bard would know the skills of [[Thespia]], [[Voice]] and [[Artistry]]. These will the way you experience Aetherius and dictate your abilities in [[bashing]] and [[playerkilling]].


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