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'''Auonab Island''' is the home of one of many nodes of power that can be used as the foundation for powerful [[obelisks]].
'''Auonab Island''' is the home of one of many nodes of power that can be used as the foundation for powerful [[obelisks]].
==Flora and Fauna==
*'''a feral island boar''' - Large, hulking, and evidently ferocious, this island boar looks to be about as dangerous as any creature one could encounter on an island. Two long tusks curl upwards for nearly a metre above its porcine snout, looking both incredibly sharp and undeniably treacherous. The enormous bulk of the boar looks to approach over 400 pounds, with solid musculature coursing through its shoulders, neck and hindquarters. A shaggy brown coat of coarse hair covers its body from head to cloven hoof, while a slightly longer ridge sticks up along its spinal column. A feral island boar appears to be extraordinarily strong. It weighs about 412 pounds.
*'''a crimson flamingo''' - Two long, thin legs support the colourful body of this flamingo, its plumage of a striking crimson hue. An elongated neck cranes out from its ruffled torso, while its eyes keenly survey the sea life just beneath the water. At its most extended, the flamingo stands about a metre and a half in height, though given its penchant for standing on one leg and curving its neck, it is hard to be more precise. A crimson flamingo appears to lack strength. It weighs about 31 pounds.


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