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The '''Triad-War'''
The '''Triad-War''' began in the year 510 AD, when the drums of war resounded from the [[Gongen Mountains]] and the [[Horde]] marched upon [[Aetherius]] once again. Every city-state was attacked simultaneously, and leading the battle were three Horde generals - [[Rulfk]], an [[ogres|ogre]], [[Krugtha]], an [[orcs|orc]], and [[Sylthera]], a [[goblins|goblin]].
The Horde forces were relentless, and more and more warriors streamed down from the mountains, even as mortals bravely fought them off. Realizing that brute force was not going to save them, Aetherians sought other solutions to the problem. An [[Ilaferi]] warrior named [[Kerial]] devised a way to use stones that necromancers in the [[Vardarian Highlands]] dropped upon their death to create a statue capable of weakening Sylthera. A man by the name of [[Rafe]] also offered his help, taking shards of black mithril that ogre warriors dropped in battle and forging them into a powerful weapon with the ability to kill Krugtha.
Both pathways to victory were utilized and were successful in defeating the Horde captains, but a method of fighting against Rulfk was still necessary. It was soon discovered that the ogre kept an odd dark crystal near him at all times and if certain prisms, in the grubby hands of the goblins, were taken and folded into the crystal, it would be overloaded and cause Rulfk's shield to dissipate for a short amount of time. Adventurers used that opportunity to kill Rulfk, leaving the Horde with only one remaining military leader, stationed in the fortress of [[Oorugleg]].
[[Kinsarmar]] successfully breached the walls of the fortress and marched inside, killing any orc or ogre in their way. They soon encountered Oorugleg himself and he was dispatched after a long, drawn out battle.
[[Category:Historical Events]]
[[Category:Historical Events]]


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