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31 bytes added ,  14:42, 13 November 2017
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*'''Jhaeros, the Guardian''' - Loose flames sporadically lick the air around this guardian of the araeca, wreathing his well-built frame in a magnificent crown of fiery feathers. A sharp beak pierces outward, curving into a shining point. Two large white eyes peers out from behind flaming lids, taking in the surrounding view. Massive wings, that spread to a wingspan of six feet, are tucked neatly besides each of his muscular arms. Flames twist and dance wildly down and around his long legs, ending abruptly at his vicious talons.
*'''Jhaeros, the Guardian''' - Loose flames sporadically lick the air around this guardian of the araeca, wreathing his well-built frame in a magnificent crown of fiery feathers. A sharp beak pierces outward, curving into a shining point. Two large white eyes peers out from behind flaming lids, taking in the surrounding view. Massive wings, that spread to a wingspan of six feet, are tucked neatly besides each of his muscular arms. Flames twist and dance wildly down and around his long legs, ending abruptly at his vicious talons.

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* '''Zukaros the Fiery Heir''' - Possessing refined, almost effeminate features, this young scorched stands to an impressive height. His hair has been carefully coiffed, not a single strand out of place, and his skin is a robust mottling of brown and gold - catching the light in an attractive manner, the aureate inclusions of his oily flesh shimmers beautifully. A curious assortment of stone-worked jewelry adorns his hands, wrists, and neck, the blue crystalline structures veined in red. A diadem rests imperially upon his brow, its colouration stark when paired with his eyes of amber-red. Blackened armour more ornate than practical clads his form, its surface etched with esoteric scenes from history, each one illustrated beautifully and inset with gold.
* '''Zukaros the Fiery Heir''' - Possessing refined, almost effeminate features, this young scorched stands to an impressive height. His hair has been carefully coiffed, not a single strand out of place, and his skin is a robust mottling of brown and gold - catching the light in an attractive manner, the aureate inclusions of his oily flesh shimmers beautifully. A curious assortment of stone-worked jewelry adorns his hands, wrists, and neck, the blue crystalline structures veined in red. A diadem rests imperially upon his brow, its colouration stark when paired with his eyes of amber-red. Blackened armour more ornate than practical clads his form, its surface etched with esoteric scenes from history, each one illustrated beautifully and inset with gold.


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