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Many centuries ago, when the [[Burning Times]] had engulfed [[Stavenn]] and magick users fell to the sword
and the flame, several [[sidhe]] families of Stavennite nobles fled the city and formed a small
settlement on [[Lake Tageen]] which became known as '''Cetara'''. The modern villagers of Cetara are
descendants of the nobles as well as their servants and retainers. Although Cetarans have
traditionally subsisted on fishing and some local crafting, they have retained the traditions of
their ancestors.
The village is informally ruled by the witches of Cetara, as through the years the cult of the dark
arts has become their sole domain. Until recently, a powerful spell maintained by the village's
practitioners hid the settlement from the view of the world, although it appears they have long held
a secret trade with the village of [[Annona]]. This relationship has, however, been one of necessity
rather than friendship, as the darker Cetarans hold little but hatred for the simple farmers of the
Proud, arrogant, and often fairly surly, Cetarans hold a great deal of respect for dark magick and
still consider themselves as having very strong ties to Stavenn despite their long isolation. Those
traveling to the village must be careful not to become embroiled in the many mysteries and dark
plots that simmer there, for the dark arts are alive and well in the shadowed streets of Cetara.

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