Scalemail. Wielded shield, Shield absorb (Trans Shielddance)
Main Stats
Strength and Constitution.
Preferred statpacks: Strong, Athletic, Fast
Balance type: Mainly Balance, Occasional equilibrium attacks.
Wardance - Mostly defences, kick attacks and escape skills. Doubletime reduces balance times overall. Also includes Transfix, Kipup and Overwhelm that decreases splitleap and suicidedrop balances by 33%. Lasts 10-60 seconds depending on the targets health/afflictions. Each affliction increases duration by 5s and each missing 2% of health increses by 1s. Only used in PvP for burst damage depending on strategy.
Bladedance - Mainly sword attacks. Most used skills in PvP are flick for afflictions or Strike for damage. The Bladedance bashing attack is Strike.
Shielddance - Shield attacks and defences. Requires a wielded shield. Includes shield absorb to reduce physical damage as well as a second parry. Allows you to wield shields +2 higher than your strength. PvP attacks are usually hack for afflictions and cleave for higher damage as well as an affliction. Shielddance bashing attack is better.
Combat Focus
Flickdancer: Preferred statpacks are Athletic or Fast. General strategies are a toxin stack that works for you leading into a disembowel kills. Disembowel does a flat 40% damage minimum and is increased by each affliction on the target.
Damage: Preferred statpack are Athletic or Strong. Sustained damage by using Blade strike/Shield cleave/Splitleap combos. Or burst damage by replacing splitleap with suicidedrop.
Group combat/Crowd Control: Transfix if target is not blind or Bind if sleeping or unconscious add an entanglement. Can steal kills with a strike/cleave/suicidedrop combo..
See Also