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A sylayan summoner.
Demonic Circle
Noctu • Tarot • Enslavery

The Philosophy of the Summoner

From the notes of the Noctusari, circa 36 AM

The Summoner, is not simply intellectualism, but rather the forced enslavement of power. To subjugate hapless beings is one thing, to subjugate that which denies subjugation with every fibre of its existence, and then forcing it to yield its power to your control is another altogether.

As such, the Summoner class is central to the Noctusari. Our newer powers are no stranger to us, for the art of Shamanism was taught to us by Cadmus, the last Shamanic God and Demon Lord, and Insidian's treacherous Hypnosis is an exemplary demonstration of subjugation. Yet, at the end of it all, the Summoner has, and should always remain, the heartbeat of the Noctusari - not for antiquation, not for legacy, but rather because the definition of Power is simply and undeniably Transcendent when you subjugate that which denies subjugation.


Scalemail. Leather limb armour.

Main Stats


Balance type: Equilibrium, Balance for Tarot.


Noctu - The base skill of every summoner, Noctu grants us spells of Fire and Magick that allow us to burn our opponents to death. By building up Taint with each cast within an enemy's soul, the summoner may then empower their deadly spells, and at its peak, cause the perpetual immolation of an enemy until naught is left by a charred husk.

Tarot - Using images of Mystical Symbols on Tarot Cards, summoners can fling these powers at their unfortunate target, causing a medley of mental afflictions, or granting boons to the summoner themselves. Most tarot cards can also be infused with the power of a Noctu spell, albeit at a lower capacity for mortal damage. Nevertheless, this adjunct means a summoner can devastate his opponent with afflictions.

Enslavery - Finally, the ultimate power of the summoner is brought forth with Enslavery, which allows the unleashing of the powers of the Demonic Lords of the Pit once these majestic demons have been enslaved to your will. Summon each demon lord to gain a passive boon, and unleash them separate to your Balance or mental Equilibrium to wreak havoc on your enemy.

Combat Focus

The summoner has evolved to suit the needs of their brethren, seeking the maximisation of mortal power through any means necessary. Damage is the summoners first priority, focusing on high Intelligence to unleash enhanced spells of fire and magick, building up the taint of the demonic realm within their victim's soul, culminating in a torrential flood of fiery conflagration in the form of Incinerate, burning their hapless victim to crisp. The intelligent gain and expenditure of taint is what determines your success as a summoner. The faster, Tarot inclined summoners can employ mental afflictions to yield a kill with Enlightenment, by revealing the universe at a fundamental level to the target, driving them incurably insane. All this ability is underpinned by the fact the summoners are by far and large the best combatants to lead with - The ability of Piridon's minions to seek out and attack foes at range, the gathering of intelligence, and the incomparable mobility of the summoner using the combined powers of Istria's minions, the Tarot Hermit and the Tarot Universe means the summoner truly is trained to lead.

See Also