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The Conclave of the Frozen Pines
Circle: Anti-Magick
Guilds: Wardens, Idras, and Sentinels
Townes: Pol'pera, Aherindale, Kadar, En'aruna, Agirni

Cold and silent, and shrouded in snow, Ithaqua - sometimes referred to as the Frozen Conclave, the Black Pines, or the Ironwoods - is a harsh and bleak place, wrought with danger. Surrounded by the low-lying mountains, Ithaqua was lost to the world of Aetherius for centuries until a band of exiled Khandavans came upon it. Accepted by the old war-hound, Fenrir Lyesmith, they rebuilt the ruined village upon the ideals of its people and ancient bloodlines.

Ithaqua stands now for the unbroken wilderness, completely free and untainted by magick that twisted the first villagers in ages past. Once founded upon the teachings of Death, Wrath, Madness, and Ruin - Ithaqua marks a new path free of magick and demons. Long since abandoned by the gods and goddesses of those ways, Ithaqua draws a deep hatred towards Them and seeks the end of Their domain and any related to the corruption of magick. Magick is seen as more than a mere tool for destruction in the hands of the wielder, but as a crutch that leads to weakness. It is dangerous, unpredictable, and the very wood rejects its vile presence.

Ithaquans are known for their tact and survival capability - resorting to cannibalism in order to ensure their continued life, and reveling in it as a sacrament to the spirits which still make their presence known through spiritualistic arts. Ithaquans value their freedoms and venture outside of their home to ensure they remain. There is a dark and terrible hunger in those woods - the wolves, the pines, that cold and hateful wind, the Wendigo - these are the teeth and soul of Ithaqua.


In the year 420 AA, an expedition composed of lycaeans and sylayans made their way north, led by Galt Lyesmith, to escape the civil unrest caused by war in Kinsarmar and Stavenn. After passing through a previously uncharted trail in the Reate Forest, they came upon the dark, black pine barrens of the Ithaquan Forest, which were inhabited by packs of abnormally huge feral wolves, which stalked and picked off members of the expedition, including Knut Lyesmith. The arboreals in the group decided that the party should seek safety in the trees, and spent many years building platforms and catwalks spanning the branches of the pines.


Notable Denizens