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Agirni Hold

Anti-Magick Circle
Sovereignty: Ithaqua
Vogt: Arian
Thanes: Mitra

Nestled in the cold black pines of the Ithaqua Forest lies the fortified compound of Agirni Hold. The Norrjin men who reside there are barbaric in nature, lacking many social graces, though they do possess great physical prowess and a veritable genius for the art of thievery. Accustomed to the hard and brutal laws of nature in that harsh realm, the barbarians of Agirni Hold long ago turned to raiding and other unsavory pursuits as a means of survival. Among their ranks, they boast some of the most cunning opportunists, skilled hand-to-hand fighters, and talented bird trainers in the land. It would be dangerous indeed to underestimate the ability and resolve of the 'unwashed' savages that make Agirni Hold their home.

Agirni produces and sells crops, ore, and lumber commodities. In the past, the Hold has fallen victim to a beast known as "the Culler", who killed many norrjin men and captured children from the Hold.

On the 8th of Artificium, in the year 562 AD, Agirni Hold was attacked by Horde warriors led by Gherok, flanked by the goblins Mimrik and Braahl. The citizens of Ithaqua defended the Hold against the Horde, at the cost of great damage to the towne of Kadar, which was also targeted in the same attack.

Notable Denizens





100% of this area is accessible as of Vita 157 AM.

This area has the following terrain types:



Eye of the Osprey Tavern

A tavern owned and operated by Ghordun. Its menu of wares includes:

  • peppermint cordial-laced snow
  • a wooden skewer of baked potatoes
  • a string of roast lemmings
  • a slab of red meat
  • ale (served in a black pine mug)

Shoppe of the Crying Wolf

A shop operated by Borthel. It sells items such as:

  • a sharp switchblade
  • a branding iron
  • a pair of iron shackles
  • a fur-lined cloak
  • a bone vial
  • a pair of warm snow boots

Quests and Activities

  • Eggs for the Hawkmaster - Oughata, the Hawkmaster, requires eggs from three species of bird - the Ithaquan kestrel, the Redwood eagle, and the Siennan condor.