
The Phoenix Reaches
Circle: Magick
Guilds: Silvari, and Stormweavers
Townes: Dakker, Kipos, Sintcega, Ssyra, and Trabine

The ancestral home of the Council of Celidon lies in the majestic Phoenix Crest that rises high above Celidon Forest. The caves have been magickally enhanced to provide an enchanted sanctuary for all Celidonians seeking refuge, and to provide a fortified watch over the surrounding forests. The Council of Celidon is headed by five Advisors elected by the people of the Crest, one of whom is elevated to serve as the Emeris. The Celidonians maintain an uneasy alliance with the citizens of Kinsarmar.

Celidonian society is dominated by three major guilds: the Hunters, the Stormweavers, and the Silvari.

Under the protection of Phoenix Crest, the following townes have declared their allegiance to Celidon: Dakker, Kipos, Sintcega, Ssyra, and Trabine.


A century after the settlement of the Council of Khandava brought restlessness among the people, their souls always touched by the Wild Spirit that watches closely over Nature. The Hunters guild had found refuge in the great Council along the side of their Arboreal cousins, and the Khandava soon felt crowded from the successful growth of their community. Felan Virs, a descendant of Lyria, the first lycaean and one of Khandava's greatest leaders, organized a faction of residents that longed for a new home of their own. They packed their meager belongings and bid farewell to their friends and loved ones before journeying to find new lands in the year 106 AD.

After trudging through the dangerous mountains and vast grasslands, they came upon a massive forest. The beautiful nymphs that roamed the forest befriended the great warrior and shared with him the name of this place, the Celidon Forest. As Felan urged his companion forward, they explored further until they came upon a peak of rock worn from time and weather, and the perfect cavernous home for the wandering souls. This place rising majestically from within the forest is Phoenix Crest, named for the dazzling display of the setting sun's blazing light that reflects from its stone surface.

A fountain was discovered deep underground and provided great strength and healing to those who drank from its waters. The power of the fountain was too tempting, though, and Celidonians and outsiders both fought bitterly over who should have access to the waters. In the year 107 AD, Canus Veridi was asked to hide away the fountain from all but the protectors of Nature. The ritual drained Veridi of his health and before the end of the year, he had passed away, without ever telling anyone how to re-enter the cavern housing the fountain.

Late in the summer of 406 AD, a group of miners, tasked with exploring the numerous caverns of the Celidon Council, discovered a mysterious and ancient journal. The entries were from the 2nd-century AD, around the time of the Council's founding, and spoke of lush areas of underground forest and refreshing springs and streams, and most notably, a mystical fountain with healing properties. Risca Arivan, first modern Emeris of Celidon, decided to continue excavation of the caverns. An encrypted stone, mirroring the words of the journal, was found shortly thereafter and the Emeris later discovered a secret means of entering the part of the Council foretold in both messages - Nature's Resurgence.