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Revision as of 14:23, 10 April 2018

      10.4 < CITY-STATE MINISTRIES         THE MINISTRY OF WAR > 10.4.2

Newbies are the life blood of a city, for as the old generations die off, strong new leaders must be found. The Ambassador and his aides are responsible for cultivating a favourable atmosphere for newbies within the city, providing them with help, advice, support, and perhaps even equipment.

The Ambassador and his aides have the following powers:

CITIZEN <player> Make someone a citizen of your city.

CITYNEWBIES See what newbies are currently on in your city.

CITYWITHDRAW Withdraw money from the Ministry's account, in order to help a newbie. The syntax is: CITYWITHDRAW AMBASSADOR <amount>

CITY SCORE <player> View the score of another player in your city.

CITY SKILLS <player> View the skills of another player in your city.

CITY INVENTORY <player> View the inventory of another player in your city.