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Revision as of 15:27, 18 May 2018

The Steward of a city is responsible for maintaining the bulk of the city funds. He puts money in to the Treasury, as well as takes receipt of some major revenue sources, such as banks and gambling. It is imperative that the Steward be someone of unquestioned loyalty, for otherwise, the financial health of your city will be in doubt.

The Steward has the following commands:

CONSIGN <amount>

Consign money from the coffers to the Treasury. Must be done from the Council Room. If you choose a negative amount, then it will take it from the Treasury and put it back into the coffers.


See how much is in the city coffers. Must be done from Council Room.

FUNDS <ministry>

See how much is in the various ministries (such as the Treasury). Must be done from the Council Room.


Take the withdrawal fees from your city's bank and transfer them into the coffers. Must be done from the Council Room.


This works exactly like the READLOG command in HELP CITYCOMMANDS, but it is a log of ingoing and outgoing city revenue. This must be done from the Council Room.


See some basic info about your city's economic status.