The Gods of Imperian were powerful divinities that intervened directly in the lives of mortals extensively throughout the first three Ages of Aetherius. All the Gods have since "died", with the dawn of the Age of Mortality.

Known Divinities

This is a list of known Divinities who have since passed from the mortal world.

Anti-Magick Gods and Goddesses:

  • Baar, Lord of the Six Suns
  • Calix, the Vagrant Lord
  • Epiphany, Goddess of Life
  • Illuminas, the God of Life
  • Shallah, Goddess of Peace
  • Vahin, the Protector
  • Zanik, God of Civilization
  • Cimi, the Hidden Hand (an Ancient Spirit rather than a Goddess)

Demonic Gods and Goddesses:

Magick Gods and Goddesses: