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| name = <character name, eg. 'Roven'>
| circle = [Magick|Demonic|Anti-Magick|none]
| guild = <character guild, eg. 'Bards'>
| race = <character race, eg. 'Sidhe'>
| species = <alternate to race for NPCs, eg. 'Spider'>
| statpack = <character statpack, eg. 'Intelligent'>
| city = <character city (or remove line for no city), eg. 'Kinsarmar'>
| council = <alternative to city for forest councils, eg. 'Celidon'>
| towne = <character towne (or remove line for no towne), eg. 'Tirhin'>
| profession = <character professions, eg. 'Bard, Druid'>
| short = <room description for NPCs or title for player>
| extended = <character description>
| gender = <gender>
| notes = <any notes you want to add about this character>
| location = <for NPCs, where this character is found, consider adding a vnum in brackets if appropriate>
| health = <health number>
| mana = <mana number>
| con = <CONSIDER line>
| entry = <entry message>
| exit = <exit message>
| attack1 = <attack description with any afflictions given>
| attack2 = <attack description with any afflictions given>
| attack3 = <attack description with any afflictions given>
| attack4 = <attack description with any afflictions given>
Where the following options may be used (note the options are all lowercase, though the values may be anything):
* '''name''' = <character name, eg. 'Roven'>
* '''circle''' = [Magick|Demonic|Anti-Magick|none]
* '''guild''' = <character guild, eg. 'Bards'>
* '''race''' = <character race, eg. 'Sidhe'>
* '''species''' = <alternate to race for NPCs, eg. 'Spider'>
* '''statpack''' = <character statpack, eg. 'Intelligent'>
* '''city''' = <character city (or remove line for no city), eg. 'Kinsarmar'>
* '''council''' = <alternative to city for forest councils, eg. 'Celidon'>
* '''towne''' = <character towne (or remove line for no towne), eg. 'Tirhin'>
* '''profession''' = <character professions, eg. 'Bard, Druid'>
* '''short''' = <room description for NPCs or title for player>
* '''extended''' = <character description>
* '''gender''' = <gender>
* '''notes''' = <any notes you want to add about this character>
* '''location''' = <for NPCs, where this character is found, consider adding a vnum in brackets if appropriate>
* '''health''' = <health number>
* '''mana''' = <mana number>
* '''con''' = <CONSIDER line>
* '''entry''' = <entry message>
* '''exit''' = <exit message>
* '''attack1''' = <attack description with any afflictions given>
* '''attack2''' = <attack description with any afflictions given>
* '''attack3''' = <attack description with any afflictions given>
* '''attack4''' = <attack description with any afflictions given>