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*'''Belf''' - Belf is in the twilight of his lifespan, yet his eyes still sparkle with a domineering countenance. His eyes are ever reproachful, the curl of his upper lip ever edging closer to the baring of fangs should one push him too far. Though too old to remain in charge of any pack, such mannerisms and habits are easily recognizable as someone who is accustomed to being obeyed.
*'''Belf''' - Belf is in the twilight of his lifespan, yet his eyes still sparkle with a domineering countenance. His eyes are ever reproachful, the curl of his upper lip ever edging closer to the baring of fangs should one push him too far. Though too old to remain in charge of any pack, such mannerisms and habits are easily recognizable as someone who is accustomed to being obeyed.

*'''Tinver''' -
*'''Tinver''' - Tinver is an imposing male lycaean, standing broad and with a size rivaling that of a tiger's. He is thick as a tree trunk, his massive girth sheathed in iron bands of muscle. Coarse black fur ripples on his blocky frame, as dark as the starless night sky. Tinver stands in the prime of his life, his powerful canine legs rooted to the ground as solidly as an oak, yet poised to spring at a moment. He stands still, his head low, twitching the dark triangles of his ears this way and that, as he scents the ground. He makes no noise, no overt motion, yet an aura of feral savagery hangs about him, as though he is one meal and a cold night away from the wolves of his home.

*'''Ingora''' -  
*'''Ingora''' - Gentle and merry, Ingora is a beautiful lycaean specimen if ever there were one. She looks to be very young, perhaps just bordering on adulthood. A cheerful demeanor is evident in her slight mannerisms: the lazy pant of her lupine grin, her twinkling black eyes, and the constant movement of her tail. She is covered in a smooth, healthy coat of tawny-brown fur, which turns into a chocolate brown around her paws and ears and at the tip of her tail.

*'''Kayn, a wily lycaean pup''' - Kayn is an adorable scamp of a lycaean puppy, no bigger than a dog in size and nearly mistakable for one. His fur is short and speckled, his limbs fleshed out yet with puppy fat, and his small, baby canines gleam in his open-mouthed grin. His pink tongue lolls out of his mouth lazily, his eyes continually searching his surroundings curiously. A red bandana has been tied around his neck, which he sports proudly.
*'''Kayn, a wily lycaean pup''' - Kayn is an adorable scamp of a lycaean puppy, no bigger than a dog in size and nearly mistakable for one. His fur is short and speckled, his limbs fleshed out yet with puppy fat, and his small, baby canines gleam in his open-mouthed grin. His pink tongue lolls out of his mouth lazily, his eyes continually searching his surroundings curiously. A red bandana has been tied around his neck, which he sports proudly.