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Argain is the island home of one of many nodes of power that can be used as the foundation for powerful obelisks.


Argain Village

Notable Denizens

  • Argain, son of Tharn - He is a tall, broad shouldered man. He wears an ornate sword at his side, and carries it as a badge of honor. His clothes are regal, a purple tunic under a decorated maroon vest, trim pants, cut for ease of mobility, and solid leather shoes, scraped in places, but still held together nicely. His brown hair is cut short, in a military style, yet it still fits him, even as royalty. His father, Tharn, was a ruler in an undiscovered land and deeded the islands to his children upon his death, each of which were named after the kids. Argain's relationship with his siblings is estranged.
  • Alaota, wife of Argain - Alaota is a very beautiful woman, and likes to make sure that everyone knows it. Wearing a long, flowing skirt with a magnificently tailored shirt, she will always be the center of attention, no matter where she is. Cut at waist length, her hair hangs down smoothly, and shines brilliantly. What little jewelry she wears is all beautiful, formed from gold and finely cut gems.
  • Ewinore -
  • Leonild -