Hunters use their wyvern scales to protect them.
Main Stats
Balance type: Balance/Equilibrium combos
Shapeshifting - Shapeshifting is the Hunter's primary offensive skillset, and it consists mainly of balance-based wyvern attacks, including wyvern claw, whose damage is based on your strength. This is the skillset used for PvE.
Supremacy - Supremacy is the Hunter's secondary offensive skillset, and it consists of equilibrium-based basilisk attacks that can be used while off balance, so that the Hunter's primary offense consists of wyvern/basilisk combos. The skillset is entirely PvP-only; though Resurrect can be useful in many situations.
Pioneering - Pioneering is the Hunter's defensive skillset; it has no active offensive abilities. It contains passive defenses used in both PvE and PvP, active healing methods, and utility skills for travel and exploration.
Combat Focus
Afflictions/Damage - The Hunter's primary kill method is to stack afflictions and turn a large stack of applied afflictions into damage. Hunters also possess the ability to instantly kill an opponent who has four stacks Blood Poison by Rupturing them. They can prevent certain curing and stack afflictions to move to a kill.