Bladedance (skill)

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Leveraging the bodily control studied in Wardance, the Dance of the Blade enables the accomplished Wardancer to use two swords independently of one another. While the opponent is focused on the fury of one sword, the other can be brought in to disarm him altogether. Observers of this dance are often so distracted by its beauty that they are slain before they are aware they have been attacked.

Skill Table

Name Rank Percent Description
*Slash Inept 0% The basic attack of the wardancer.
Gripping Novice 0% Keep your weapons in hand.
Raze Apprentice 0% Tear down the shields of the enemy.
*Flick Capable 0% A light sword attack.
*Bloodletter Capable 40% Revel in the loss of their blood.
Distract Adept 0% Cause them to lose concentration.
Deflect Adept 50% Knock their weapons aside.
Parry Skilled 0% Deflect the blows of your foe.
Impale Skilled 40% Pin them to the ground.
  • Gifted
0% Disarm the weapons of the enemy.
Envenom Gifted 0% Coat a weapon in venoms.
  • Gifted
33% Strike the enemy's arm, causing weakness.
*AdvancedRaze Gifted 66% Use raze in conjunction with the shield.
*Thrust Expert 0% Hit the enemy's leg, causing weakness.
Fleche Expert 25% Charge in and impale your foe.
Twist Expert 50% Twist the blade impaled in your foe's innards.
*Strike Expert 75% A slower, yet more powerful attack.
*Feint Virtuoso 0% Fake out your opponent.
Bloodthirst Virtuoso 33% Increase the speed of your attack.
Dismount Virtuoso 55% Quickly dismount with a powerful sword attack
Cleave Virtuoso 77% Finish your foe in one mighty blow.
Bladespin Fabled 0% A deadly whirling of blades.
*Beguile Fabled 18% The beguiling dance of the warrior.
Arc Fabled 45% Strike all your foes in the room.
Reprise Fabled 72% Parry and strike.
Riposte Mythical 0% Counter the parried attack.
Disembowel Mythical 30% Remove the innards of your impaled foe.
*Eviscerate Transcendent 100% Strike your foe until they perish.

[*] indicates an ability that may be combined with others.