Nightfall (skill)

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Skill Table

Name Rank Percent Description
Night Inept 0% Conjure darkness in the room.
Wraiths Novice 0% Command the shadows to take a corporeal form.
Vigorous Novice 0% A wraith that reduces incoming damage.
Shroud Apprentice 0% Shroud yourself within shadows.
Whispering Capable 0% A wraith that can ease the strain on your mind.
Twirl Adept 0% Invoke the healing powers of a vigorous wraith.
Nightkiss Adept 33% Refresh the tired mind.
Dismiss Adept 66% Banish a wraith back to the shadows.
Summon Skilled 0% A wraith shall come at your command.
Fiery Skilled 50% A fiery wraith with a potent gaze.
Translucent Gifted 0% A wraith with power over translucent shields.
Nightfall Gifted 25% Spread darkness wherever you go.
Shatter Gifted 50% Disrupt a protective shield.
Ethereal Gifted 75% A wraith with teleportation powers.
Shadowgate Expert 0% Form a gate of pure shadows.
Midnight Expert 25% A wraith with powers over elements and symbols alike.
Bodysap Expert 50% Let the vigorous wraith deliver a powerful blow.
Scan Expert 75% Discern the weakness of your foe.
Shadowsap Virtuoso 0% A powerful mental blow.
Glowing Virtuoso 33% A wraith with the power to regenerate.
Intensify Virtuoso 66% Enhance the effects of your next ritualistic symbol.
Sensitivity Fabled 0% Inflict sensitivity in your target.
Reflective Fabled 25% A wraith that feeds on the power of others.
Overload Fabled 50% Enhance multiple ritualistic symbols.
Energize Fabled 75% The reflective wraith can charge another one.
Amplify Mythical 0% Extend the duration of certain ritualistic symbols.
Envelop Mythical 25% Disable the protective shields for a short time.
Shadowtwist Mythical 50% Spread confusion all around.
Nightcurse Mythical 75% A powerful curse of the night.
Bane Transcendent 100% Sketch ritualistic symbols with unnatural swiftness.


Syntax: NIGHT Cast a shroud of darkness over a location. Once per 10 seconds, you are able to do this at no balance loss.